Homework Help Richard Jones MS, LBA, BCBA Great Neck SEPTA, October 7, 2015
Homework Can Be….
Homework is just like going to sleep?
First step toward homework nirvana!
Model Appropriate Behavior
Sometimes I can get away!
What odds are you creating?
Sometimes I can get FAR away!
Time Out
Just give them ice cream while you’re at it!
High Intensity Attention (Social Disapproval?)
When Yelling is the Reward
Control the Delivery
Compliance is a Skill to Build
Withholding may be the best Punisher
Better Than Punishing
Things to Take Away 1. SHOW kids what is important by making space and time for Homework 2. IF Then…If you do your homework then you can….. 3. Build compliance skills throughout the day 4. Withhold competing reinforcers 5. Scale demands and gradually increase expectations 6. Control the delivery of high intensity attention 7. Control the delivery of all privileges 8. Do not pair homework with the removal of their favorite thing. 9. Never use time out during homework! 10. Maintain the demand until they comply & block all forms of reinforcement until they comply (including arguing with you). 11. Stay Calm!