Forest Stewardship Extension Faculty Jonathan Kays, Extension Specialist Natural Resources (presenting) Nevin Dawson, Forest Stewardship Educator Bob Tjaden, Extension Specialist Natural Resources Ellen Green, Faculty Extension Assistant Nancy Stewart, Faculty Extension Assistant Forest Sustainability & Nutrient Management
Forests are the best land use to protect water quality and we need to encourage creation, enhancement, & longevity. Forests cover 42% of Maryland but it varies widely. 76% of the forests are owned by over 150,000 private landowners What We Know!
Most forests are in small parcels. 85% of ownerships are from 1-9 acres in size. So… the future of our forests depend on the cumulative decisions of these many landowners! How to address the challenge? What We Know!
The Woods in Your Backyard: Creating and Enhancing Natural Areas Around Your Home Sale of over 5,000 self-assessment manuals MD, VA, PA Extension collaboration since Delivered to thousands of landowners through workshops & webinars Acres of lawn converted to natural area. Natural areas enhanced. Nutrient reduction. Woods In Your Backyard Program Targeting small acreage owners
Teaching volunteer woodland owners how to improve wildlife habitat and other forest benefits using sound forest management practices Since 1990, trained 409 volunteers who own or manage 69,040 acres. Information one-to-one to an average of 2,326 people per year. Over 20 years, more than 40,000 hours in outreach & education Maryland Woodland Stewards Leveraging limited resources
Organized by University of MD Extension & Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Annual program offered since 2007 for local government officials from 5 W MD counties Create network of information sharing between local gov’t officials on land use & conservation issues Built an engaged steering committee with credible impacts Program being implemented on Eastern Shore W. MD Local Government Exchange Educating Local Gov’t officials
Biosolids applied & buried in trenches on mine spoils Hybrid poplar trees utilize the nutrients in 6-8 years Produce forest products, wildlife habitat and restoration After 10 years of research, nutrient losses less than that of a well-managed corn field using much smaller acreage Short Rotational Forests & Biosolids Trees solving environmental challenges
Forestry Correspondence Course - online GPS Training Master Logger Training program Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center Other Efforts!
For More Information: Jonathan Kays x323