SIG: Podcasting in the Classroom Contributing Group Members: Ana Urian Nick Stanko Jamie Daugherty Jim Ellis Renee Hornby
Podcasting… “Advancing a student's development” "It teaches them to do research, to communicate in print, to speak effectively and grab attention with sound." ~Daniel J. Schmit, "KidCast: Podcasting in the Classroom."
Podcasting: 8 th Grade Science Jamie Daugherty Goal: To use podcasting in conjunction with a blog to increase communication with parents and students, and to expand science education beyond the classroom. Four Elements The Teacher: provide up-to-date information about science activities and content to parents and students The Learner: have access to extension opportunities to collaborate on outside of class The Subject Matter: Science (scientific reasoning) Context: Physics Content Expectation P1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format. Physics Content Expectation Technology Communication Expectation 1 Use a variety of telecommunication tools or other online resources to collaborate interactively with peers, experts, and other audiences. Technology Communication Expectation 1
Podcasting: Spanish Ana Urian Goal: To use podcasting as a tool to enhance and encourage speaking in the target language, Spanish. Four Elements: Teacher: Provide modeling of oral proficiency through recording vocabulary lists, interviews with native-speakers, lectures and oral comprehension exercises. Professionally, joining the global education community in sharing best practices and experiences. Student: Auto-diaries, pronunciations exercises, oral communication with native speakers Subject matter: Spanish in the upper-levels Context: Oral and written communication World Language Standard 5.1: Sutdents communicate orally and in writing with members of the other culture regarding topics of personal interest, community or world concern. Technology Communication Expectation 1 - Use a variety of telecommunication tools or other online resources to collaborate interactively with peers, experts, and other audiences. Technology Communication Expectation 1
Podcasting: Art History Nick Stanko Goal: To stimulate student discussion in a classroom blog by reinforcing newly acquired information in art history with podcasting and videocasting. Four Elements The Teacher: provide information about art history topics recently covered in class readings and discussions The Learner: have access to previously learned information in a new context The Subject Matter: art history Context: Art.3.VA.HS.C. Analyze relationships of works of art to one another in terms of history, aesthetics, and culture, justifying conclusions made in the analysis and using conclusions to inform personal meaning in artwork. Technology Communication Expectation 1. Use a variety of telecommunication tools or other online resources to collaborate interactively with peers, experts, and other audiences. Technology Communication Expectation 1
Podcasting: Literature Renee Hornby Goal: To stimulate discourse amongst students. Podcasting will increase student participation and excitement eliminating or reducing the fear of error and embarrassment. Four Elements The Teacher: guide students as they develop podcasts The Learner: create and produce podcasts encouraging peer reading while utilizing reading comprehension strategies The Subject Matter: literature (reading comprehension) Context: R.CM connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses. R.CM Technology Communication Expectation 1. Use a variety of telecommunication tools or other online resources to collaborate interactively with peers, experts, and other audiences. Technology Communication Expectation 1
Improving recruitment and communication By: James Ellis
There’s a new band director in town I have been assigned to a new school. I do not know the students. I do not know what kind of experience they have. I do know how to audition students…with the help of a podcast.
I propose… I intend to post audition materials online. Any information students would like to know about the band, about joining the band will be available online.
The podcast will contain: A brief lesson in learning to read music Examples of students playing the instruments
Plus to Podcast Parents need motivation as well. Podcasting is an excellent way to invite parents to participate. Upcomming events can be communicated like a news broadcast. from
Plus to Podcast Bragging rights. Students can take pride in knowing their work is more than a grade. A successful project can be seen all over the world…whatever it may be. from article19327