Dr S.M. Holtzhausen Workshop 2: A critical analysis of HE based on SWOT Analysis
STRUCTURE OF HOS 710 This module will focus on Higher Education Studies, with special reference to the following: Higher Education Studies and Research (Theme 1) Relevant perspectives, themes and issues that shape and characterise higher education (Theme 2) Higher Education in Africa and SADEC countries in particular (Theme 3) Issues of policy in South African higher education (Theme 4)
OUTCOMES OF MODULE Higher Education Studies as a field of study and research. Relevant perspectives, themes and issues that shape and characterise Higher Education (International, Africa, National, Regional, Institutional) Contemporary national and institutional policies and guideline documents impacting on higher education. Analysis of higher education policies and/or guideline documents impacting on higher education. Module outcomes
Divide into 5 groups To identify one major HE issue/topic per group and formulate a research question Then try to answer this question according to the following: SWOT ANALYSIS *S=Strengths *W=Weaknesses *O=Opportunities *T=Trends