No warm-up. Instead, we will have a cool-down. Right now, let’s get into our relay race groups. You have 4 minutes to try to find the correct way to order the sentences in the body paragraph (using your essay notes given yesterday). Side note… I forgot a sentence in the essay. Oopps.
Homework: Work on half of the body paragraph outline. Tomorrow and Monday: Meet in C125. Bring your book, your chart, your notes, introduction outline, sample essay and tonight’s homework. Essay is due on Tuesday, October 2 nd It MUST be typed (it will not be accepted otherwise). To type your essay or just get help, come in here next week after school (I’m here until 4:00 each day). While typing, use sample essay, essay notes, introduction worksheet, textbook, MLA homework (from earlier this month) AND the worksheet that we’re soon to complete…
STANDARDS Literary Response and Analysis 3.12: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period. (Historical approach)
Now it’s time for our BODY PARAGRAPH PUTTING TOGETHER RELAY RACE! We will soon count off by 7’s and get into groups. Next, your group will receive a body paragraph… but all the sentences will be mixed up! Using the notes on how to construct a body paragraph in a compare/contrast essay, you will have to put the sentences into the right order. When you think you have the sentences in the right order, raise your hands. Winner will get candy! (Reese's or Snickers) Any questions?
When writing a compare/contrast essay, you need to use certain key words to help make your comparisons and contrasts a bit clearer. You usually want to start your sentences with these words. When comparing, use words like: Similarly, … Also, … Furthermore, … Moreover, … Likewise, … Just like _______, … Both… When contrasting, use words like: On the contrary, … On the other hand, … However, … Yet, … Though, … Nevertheless, … Although … While…
Here are a few rules to remember for essays: 1) Do not use the words “I,” “me,” or “my” when writing unless you are specifically asked to write about yourself 2) Do not use the word “ you.” Instead, use “ we ” or “us.” 3) When you give quotes from the story, NEVER begin a sentence with a quote. ALWAYS lead into the quote sentence with your own words. Wrong: “Maggie will hide behind doors, homely and ashamed” (Walker 505). Correct: For example, at one point in the story, it says that “Maggie will hide behind doors, homely and ashamed” (Walker 505). 4) Always give an in-text citation after any quote or summarized part of a story. An in-text citation should have the author’s last name and page number, like this: (Walker 505). When no author is known, write a shortened title and page number, like this: (Gilgamesh 14) or (Genesis 62)
Warm-up: On the sample compare/contrast essay: 1. Put a star after the thesis sentence. 2. Draw a hook in the margin next to the hook sentence. 3. Draw a little bridge next to the bridge sentence. 4. Highlight the sentence in each body paragraph that explains what point of comparison will be discussed. 5. Underline main pieces of evidence in each body paragraph. 6. Write squiggly lines underneath each explanation sentence in the essay. 7. Draw a stick figure by the application to real life. 8. Draw a happy face by the sentence that tells the main message of the essay. 9. Circle the helper words (key words that show that compare/contrast is happening).
Think, pair, share: With a partner, look at the two following sample evidence sentences for an essay. Then, a) write down the three things that are wrong with the first sample sentence, and b) try to make the first sample sentence like the second by fixing the three things that are wrong with it. 1. When I understood I said to my lord, Behold, what you have commanded I will honor and perform (43). 2. For example, we see how grateful Utnapishtim is when after the flood, he says that he, “threw everything open to the four winds, I made a sacrifice and poured out a libation.” (Gilgamesh 41).
ESSAY PREPARATION Let’s review the Body Paragraph Preparation for Compare/Contrast Essay.
ESSAY PREPARATION Spend the rest of the time preparing your essay by either working on the body paragraph outline worksheet. (Introduction outline should be done already; if not, finish that tonight.)