Assessment of progress in the area of citizenship and human rights education EXPERT MEETING Civic and Citizenship Education Quality: Russian National Study Petr Polozhevets Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 14 October 2015
Goals Assessment of 8 th year students citizenship competence Assessment of 8 th year students citizenship competence Determining perspectives of students’ citizenship development and social activeness Determining perspectives of students’ citizenship development and social activeness
Objectives Conduct comparative analysis of international civic and citizenship education assessment, determine their main principles and the ways of using them in developing national instruments; Conduct comparative analysis of international civic and citizenship education assessment, determine their main principles and the ways of using them in developing national instruments; Determine key concepts, themes and knowledge areas for assessment of the level and quality of civic and citizenship education; Determine key concepts, themes and knowledge areas for assessment of the level and quality of civic and citizenship education; Develop unique instrument (cognitive test) of assessing the quality of civic and citizenship education which has multifunctional and complex; Develop unique instrument (cognitive test) of assessing the quality of civic and citizenship education which has multifunctional and complex; Develop clear and transparent criteria of assessing the tests performed by students; Develop clear and transparent criteria of assessing the tests performed by students; Conduct public expertise of the developed; Conduct public expertise of the developed; Make analysis and objective assessment of the results, make recommendations for developing civic and citizenship education in Russia; Make analysis and objective assessment of the results, make recommendations for developing civic and citizenship education in Russia; Inform educational community about the assessment results. Inform educational community about the assessment results.
The study instruments Two versions of the cognitive test: part A (20 tasks), В (14 tasks), С (11 tasks). Two versions of the cognitive test: part A (20 tasks), В (14 tasks), С (11 tasks). Tests with multiple choice (24 – 32 points), semi-open (3 – 13 points) and open (18 – 55 points) tasks were used. Instructions for tests and questionnaires. Instructions for tests and questionnaires. Questionnaires for 8 th years students. Questionnaires for 8 th years students. Questionnaires for teachers. Questionnaires for teachers. Questionnaires for school administrators. Questionnaires for school administrators. Guide for conducting the study. Guide for conducting the study.
Levels of students achievement Level 1 Level 2Level 3
Examples of test types Part A –choice of one answer from four variants (tests with multiple choice) А3. Somebody who is not a mass media representative and does not have authority made an audio or video of a person without warning him/her about it and loaded this material in internet for wide audience. Which human right was violated? А3. Somebody who is not a mass media representative and does not have authority made an audio or video of a person without warning him/her about it and loaded this material in internet for wide audience. Which human right was violated? oFor privacy. oFor self-expression and freedom of creativity. oPresumption of innocence. oFreedom of expression. А12. Today the society uses the term “persons with disabilities” instead of “invalids”. What social trend does it represent? А12. Today the society uses the term “persons with disabilities” instead of “invalids”. What social trend does it represent? oTransition from using foreign words to the terms clear to Russians. oIncrease of people with health problems. oCare for people and respect for dignity of all groups of people. oIncrease of social protection of a special category of people.
Examples of test types Part B suggests a mixed format of the answer, it is a semi-open test, combination of a choice of an answer with a short comment. В5. Look at the symbols below. Each is connected with a social problem. Choose one of the symbols and comment briefly on its meaning (which social problem is reflected in the symbols and what the image in the symbol you chose means). Write your answers in 1 (social problem) and in 2 (meaning of one of the symbols). А. Б. В. 1. Social problem _________________________________________________ 1. Social problem _________________________________________________ 2. Meaning of the symbol with letter ___ - _______________________________________________________________ 2. Meaning of the symbol with letter ___ - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Examples of test types В10. Look at the scheme “Dangers and risks of the modern world”. Write in empty blocks dangers which are not mentioned but seem serious to you. How are these dangers manifested in the modern world? Give two examples and write them in the lines below the scheme. В10. Look at the scheme “Dangers and risks of the modern world”. Write in empty blocks dangers which are not mentioned but seem serious to you. How are these dangers manifested in the modern world? Give two examples and write them in the lines below the scheme. Example 1. ________________________________________________________________ Example 1. ________________________________________________________________ Example 2. ________________________________________________________________ Example 2. ________________________________________________________________ Terrorist threats ____________ ______
Examples of test types Part C included tasks for the extended answer (open test). Part C included tasks for the extended answer (open test). С 2. You can see the beginning and the end of a text. Write three sentences of your own to link the first and the last sentences, express your own position on the issue. Try to formulate your thoughts briefly and clearly. Use necessary terms and knowledge. Every person on the Earth is unique, there is no other one like him or her. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One should be able to live in peace with him/herself and with other people.
Examples of test types С10. How can the following problem be solved: “Not knowing cultural peculiarities of other people leads to conflicts, hinders friendship and mutual understanding”. Offer several ways (up to four) which can improve mutual understanding of different peoples. Offer several ways (up to four) which can improve mutual understanding of different peoples. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ Which of the ways seems most realistic to you? Why? Give arguments. Which of the ways seems most realistic to you? Why? Give arguments.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Areas (domains) of civic and citizenship quality assessment Instruments assess: civic knowledge and understanding of the main concepts; civic knowledge and understanding of the main concepts; civic skills (understanding of social problems and ways of solving them, information culture); civic skills (understanding of social problems and ways of solving them, information culture); predispositions for active participation in social life; predispositions for active participation in social life; understanding of social and legal processes; understanding of social and legal processes; readiness to perform civic actions and behavior skills. readiness to perform civic actions and behavior skills.
The number of participants (respondents) 42 regions of Russia (50%) 42 regions of Russia (50%) 248 school administrators 248 school administrators 3452 teachers 3452 teachers th year students th year students
Gender composition FemaleMale
The number of participants (respondents) metropolis (> people) big cities (from to people) small cities (from to people) small towns (from to people) rural area (with population less than people)
General results 2,17% of participants have less than 20 points. (ICCS %) 2,17% of participants have less than 20 points. (ICCS %) Medium result– 54,23 points from 100 maximum. Medium result– 54,23 points from 100 maximum points %; ICCS - 29%; points %; ICCS - 29%; points %; ICCS - 36%; points %; ICCS - 36%; points %. ICCS – 26% points %. ICCS – 26%.
Best results Graphic information analysis - 58,8%, Graphic information analysis - 58,8%, General outlook - 55,69%, General outlook - 55,69%, Understanding of terms - 54,7%, Understanding of terms - 54,7%, Ability to formulate problems, make arguments, give examples, give definitions - 48,68%. Ability to formulate problems, make arguments, give examples, give definitions - 48,68%.
Understanding of basic civic and citizenship education concepts Tasks connected with “tolerance and diversity” were most successfully done (65,19%). Tasks connected with “tolerance and diversity” were most successfully done (65,19%). The highest understanding was demonstrated in social support, self-realization and personal success (58,52%), and democratic governance (58,32%). The highest understanding was demonstrated in social support, self-realization and personal success (58,52%), and democratic governance (58,32%). Economic literacy tasks results were lower (40,74%). Economic literacy tasks results were lower (40,74%). The concept of identity and does not have leading positions (55,60%), although school administrators and teacher name this issue as the most important in their schools’ work. The concept of identity and does not have leading positions (55,60%), although school administrators and teacher name this issue as the most important in their schools’ work.
5 areas (domains) Civic knowledge % Civic knowledge % Civic skills % Civic skills % Understanding of social processes 55.76% Understanding of social processes 55.76% Civic predispositions 48.72% Civic predispositions 48.72% Skills of civic actions and behavior 56.76% Skills of civic actions and behavior 56.76%
Migrants Students’ attitude towards migrants, one of the most urgent problems, was assessed. Students could choose one of four opinions related to using by migrants their language, traditions, clothes and behavior. Students’ attitude towards migrants, one of the most urgent problems, was assessed. Students could choose one of four opinions related to using by migrants their language, traditions, clothes and behavior. The majority of students (60,3%) had a relatively loyal position. They stated that migrants have to respect local traditions, speak the language of the territory where they have come, their behavior and clothes should correspond to the accepted rules. The majority of students (60,3%) had a relatively loyal position. They stated that migrants have to respect local traditions, speak the language of the territory where they have come, their behavior and clothes should correspond to the accepted rules. Almost 30% of students think that everybody has the right to choose the place to live and should follow its traditions. Almost 30% of students think that everybody has the right to choose the place to live and should follow its traditions. Negative attitude towards migrants was expressed by 10,5% of students. Negative attitude towards migrants was expressed by 10,5% of students.
Attitude towards risks (dangers, threats) War War Drug addiction Drug addiction Environmental pollution Environmental pollution Alcoholism Alcoholism Corruption Corruption Non-effective health care system Non-effective health care system Disregard of traffic rules Disregard of traffic rules
Conclusion Students showed the average level of civic-mindedness. Students showed the average level of civic-mindedness. They demonstrated high motivation in answering questions of open character. They demonstrated high motivation in answering questions of open character. Students had difficulties in definition and understanding of civic terms and concepts, and in knowing international symbols. Students had difficulties in definition and understanding of civic terms and concepts, and in knowing international symbols. Creative tasks asking to offer a number of actions in a certain situation were mostly performed successfully. Creative tasks asking to offer a number of actions in a certain situation were mostly performed successfully.
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