Essential Question How does form follow function in muscle and nervous tissue?
Muscle Tissue Has cells that are contractile & excitable Comes from mesoderm Cells called muscle fibers
3 types of muscle 1. Skeletal 2. Cardiac 3. Smooth
Skeletal Muscle Voluntary Striated multinucleated Packaged by CT Each muscle is an organ Most connect to a bone & contraction causes bone to move
Cardiac Muscle Involuntary Striated Found only in heart Cell junctions: intercalated discs Gap junctions that allows ions pass directly into neighboring cells for transmission of nerve impulse
Smooth Muscle Involuntary Nonstriated Found in walls of organs Found all thru GI tract Contracts in waves called peristalsis Keeps food moving thru
Nervous Tissue Irritable Conductive Comes from endoderm Cells called neurons
Supporting Cells Support neurons In CNS Astrocytes Microglia Oligodendocytes Ependymal cells In PNS Schwann cells Satellite cells