Ms. Brenda Thompson Crestdale Middle School 7 th grade Social Studies World History 1400-present
My history at CrestdaleMy history at Crestdale th grade social studies th grade social studies th grade social studies th grade social studies Dean of Students th grade social studies th grade social studies th grade social studies
Open House Objectives: Parents will become aware of the content and expectations of 7th grade social studies in a power point presentation. Parents will become aware of the content and expectations of 7th grade social studies in a power point presentation. Regrettably, individual questions pertaining to your child’s progress cannot be addressed at this time. Regrettably, individual questions pertaining to your child’s progress cannot be addressed at this time.
Contact Information Feel free to contact me at a later date via , phone call (980) , or a note in your child’s In addition, please check my wiki site for weekly homework assignments thompsonsocialstudies8
Questions and concerns are very important to me. If you or your child ever has a question, please contact me first! Open lines of communication…your child can ask me questions!
Syllabus August -October Social Studies general concepts and geography. The Age of Exploration, Colonialism, and Trade Intellectual Revolutions
Syllabus continuedSyllabus continued November-January Political Revolutions Rise of Nationalism World War I
Syllabus continuedSyllabus continued February-March World between Wars World War II Post-War Rebuilding
Syllabus continuedSyllabus continued April-June Cold War Modern World
CMS grading policyCMS grading policy Formal Assignments65% (Tests, Writing Assignments, Projects) Informal Assignments 35% (Homework, Participation, Preparedness, Notebook, Class activities)
Preparedness Grade:Preparedness Grade: Students will receive a grade for their preparedness for class throughout each quarter. Every student will start the quarter with a grade of “100” for his/her preparedness for class. Failure to bring necessary materials to class will result in the loss of 2 points from their preparedness grade.
Homework Grade:Homework Grade: Again, students will begin the quarter with a grade of “100” for homework, just as with participation and preparedness. If a student fails to complete a homework assignment, he/she will lose 2 points from the homework grade. Most homework assignments will take the form of a reading that needs to be completed and outline notes that need to be completed for that reading.
Class Expectations:Class Expectations: Follow directions the first time that they are given Be respectful of other students space, belongings, ideas, and feelings Be on time to school and to class Remain seated unless given permission to get up Please ask all questions by raising your hand. Do not just walk up to me and start talking.
Notebook Grade:Notebook Grade: Student notebooks will be kept in the form of a three-ring binder with notebook paper. Additionally, all handouts will be given to students already hole punched, so that students can immediately clip them into their binder. Students are expected to keep a thorough, clean, and organized notebook at all times. At the end of each quarter, notebooks will be collected and students will be given a grade for their notebook’s neatness and completeness. In terms of completeness, students should keep all handouts from class, all outlines, and all notes in their binders. In order to help students stay organized, a “teacher’s edition” notebook will be kept on the front desk so that students may check their notebook with it to make sure that it is well- kept.
Tutoring Tutoring will be available in the mornings upon request.
Materials needed for class. Students are required to have a binder. It does not matter what size. Students are required to have a binder. It does not matter what size. This is intended to keep your child organized in social studies. This is intended to keep your child organized in social studies. It is a portfolio of work to be used throughout the school year and for formal assessments. It is a portfolio of work to be used throughout the school year and for formal assessments. Agenda Agenda Pens & Pencils Pens & Pencils Colored Pencils Colored Pencils Loose leaf paper Loose leaf paper
Wish ListWish List Throughout the year, if any parent is willing the following donations would be greatly appreciated: Kleenex Paper Towels Hand sanitizer Band aids Computer paper or any type of plain white paper. Pencils Loose leaf paper