Bullet 1 & 2 Causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime The revolution and its leaders (1910-17): ideologies, aims and methods of Madero, Villa, Zapata, Carranza; achievements and failures; Constitution of 1917: nature and application
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 1 The Beginning – 1910 election Diaz Diaz retires in France - Diaz arrests Madero - Plan of San Luis Potosi Nov 20,1910 - U.S. Involvement - May 1911: Treaty of Ciudad Juarez 1908 Diaz announces he’ll welcome open elections Francisco Madero = opposition candidate, a wealthy hacendado into textiles, cattle, farms, vineyards, mines and factories Fears peasant revolt if Diaz continues; democracy means control by elite, policy of modest concession to peasants, to check growth of revolutionary ideals, democracy as social control, accept capitalism Diaz arrests Madero and supporters in June…election rigged as always Madero flees across border and declares Mexico’s election null and void The Plan of San Luis Potosi: Will hold free and open elections, vague indications of land given to peasants Taft allows him to stage revolution in US in hopes he will be more favorable to US – Diaz had been too pro-British Treaty of Ciudad Juarez – Diaz agrees to step down & new elections scheduled. Who sided with Madero? Francisco Madero – wealthy hacendado of Coahuila
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 2 Pancho Villa – Robin Hood of the North - Outlaw, miner, cattle rustler, & bank robber - Bandito to Revolutionary joins Madero - Division del Norte Army of Chihuahua Pancho Villa, originally from Durango (real name: Doroteo Arango) – classic folk hero – outlawed for avenging the rape of his sister by a hacedado (Depending on which historian got it right, ranch owner Agustin Lopez Negrete made a tender, loving pass at Villa's younger sister, persuaded her to elope, or raped her. Depending on which author you choose to believe, Vila took up his trusty or rusty revolver and killed Lopez dead as a rock. Or, maybe he just shot him in the foot… stories conflict) Flees to Chihauhau – brief stint mining – supplements income thru cattle rustling ("wholesale meat-seller“ official bios) Adds bank robbing to list of offenses. From 1900-1909 hides in mountains evading federal police (Porfiriato’s rurales) Once he proclaims his forces for Madero – from 28 – 3,000 by 1913 Impressive – so thought the film industry – 1914 Mutual Film Company of New York. Contract called for $25,000 for exclusive rights to the revolution. Hero or Villian? Pancho Villa http://www.pickatrail.com/jupiter/location/north_america/mexico/chihuahua.html
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 3 Emiliano Zapata – Revolutionary Idealist of the South - Son of a small farmer of Morelos Influenced by Mexican Liberal Party (PLM) PLM founder Ricardo Flores Magon Emiliano Zapata Motto: Tierra y libertad “Land & liberty” Emiliano Zapata – Revolutionary Idealist of the South Son of a small farmer of Morelos Influenced by Mexican Liberal Party (PLM) PLM founder Ricardo Flores Magon Motto: Tierra y libertad “Land & liberty” Land to be returned to the ejido, communal holdings - Land to be returned to the ejido, communal holdings
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 4 Madero’s Presidency: Oct 1911 – Feb 1913 Change: Trade union support Casa del Obrero Mundial - Vision of democracy - limited No Change: - Leaves much of Diaz political & military structure in place for stability Interim president: Francisco León de la Barra After treaty of Cuidad Juarez - Interim president, selected de la Barra, Diaz’s foreign secretary – served until after 1911 election Democracy: “The ignorant public should take no direct part in determining who should be the candidates for public office.” A strong advocate for education – change must take place thru steps Opened labor to organize & collective bargaining & strikes – much to foreign investor distress Diaz structure in place – stability – must rely on those who hate him. Example: Huerta sent north to put down rebellion. Denies Zapata’s land redistribution – feel betrayed (Plan of Ayala response) Neither group satisfied Foreign support fades as Madero does not show favoritism to US after their support for him – not good… - Opposed to radical land reform Caught between reactionaries & radicals - Madero loses American support …1912 1000,000 troops on border
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 5 Victoriano Huerta’s Dictatorship Feb 1913- July 1914 - Backed by U.S. - Overthrows Madero - Wealthy land owners, capitalists, Church - RIP Madero Victoriano Huerta Backed by U.S. Ambassodor Wilson – grown weary of Madero Overthrows Madero and becomes provisional president Mexican Congress intimidated – accepts Huerta as provisional president Assassinates Madero Ambassodor Wilson said he should do “What was best for the country” Continued Madero’s labor policies for a while Eventually began to arrest labor leaders as it became evident they were allying against him Closed down the Casa del Obrero Mundial (labor union established while Madero was president) - Labor unions shut down Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 6 US Intervention - Taft out Wilson in Huerta suspends interests payments on national debt - The Excuse: Arrest of US soldiers - April - Nov, 1914 US invasion of Veracruz Moral Diplomacy Taft(Prez when war started) - $ diplomacy – support of Madero vs Diaz Aid + advice – Madero and Huerta Wilson – moral diplomacy – Pres Wilson refuses to acknowledge Huerta. Suspension of debt disturbs creditors, England & Germany vying for US support as pre-WWI alliances are sought. Arrest of US soldiers while on leave from Ship off the coast provides Pres. Wilson an excuse to invade Veracruz to cut off Huerta from supplies & income of his major port April 21, 1914 US attacks Veracruz -> anti US sentiment, Carranza denounced US action and demanded immediate evacuation of US troops June 1914 - Wilson holds conference at Niagara Falls gets Argentina, Brazil and Chile to mediate the conflict Hopes to overthrow Huerta and put Carranza in as provisional president. -- - Carranza refuses to recognize mediation. Mexico will fix own problems. Armies on the Move: Huerta leaves for Europe July 15. What forces are left behind are over run by Álvaro Obregon (fight for Carranza) who takes Mexico City Aug. 15th. Nov. 1914. US evacuates Veracruz even though Carranza would not accept US demands – could be interpreted as a victory for Carranza and a step towards maintaining sovereignty - U.S wanted more say in Mexican foreign and domestic policies but Carranza Refuses. Doesn’t want Mexico to suffer same fait as Cuba, Nicarauga, Dominican Republic Expect Mexicans to rejoice – instead united in resentment of US invasion; a bit embarassing; ABC countries must mediate Ultimately Huerta steps down American ships at Veracruz
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 6 Two New Contender s: Venustiano Carranza - Previous supporter of Diaz then Madero - Leader Constitutionalist Army in Coahuila - March 1913 Plan of Guadalupe & Alvaro Obregon Carranza Conflicts between Villa and Carranza because of failure to define agrarian, political, and church issues. Lack of trust. Who was Carranza? Part of the Elite Break with Zapata: refused to recognize Carranza’s supremacy and says Plan of Ayala must triumph. Backing up a moment remember Carranza devised the Plan of Guadalupe March 26, 1913 Huerta and his government are not recognized Constitutional Army, is formed. Carranza is commanding officer Once army occupies Mexico City, Carranza will be interim president and will call for elections. October 1914 Convention of Aguascalientes to smooth out conflicts (called by Carranza at first then Carranza refused to go). Zapata invited at Villas insistence Endorsed Plan of Ayala Assumed supreme authority Called for resignation of Carranza as first chief Appt General Eulalio Gutierrez as provisional pres. (compromise) Villa named commander in chief of conventionalist army Carranza refuses to acknowledge legitimacy of convention Villa and Zapata occupy capital and push Carranza out. Gutierrez, who is provisional president in the minds of Villa and Zapata is secretly negotiation with Obregon to help Carranza regain control (many feel he betrays the revolutionaries) In order to gain popular support, Carranza adopted program of social reform, promise agrarian reform, improved worker conditions, minimum wage reform, while simultaneously promising hacendados that they would get back land taken by revolutionaries. January 1915, Obregon’s troops hold Mexico City. Carranza is able to turn workers and peasants against each other…shifts balance of power Gutierrez defects with 10 mil pesos from treasury. Roque Gonzalez Garza named provisional pres by Conventionalists. Back and forth control of the city. April 1915 Obregon has control of city. Obregon defeats Villa – flees back to Chihuahua with his people, defeated. Zapatistas chased into Morelos 1915, Woodrow Wilson acknowledges Carranza’s ascendancy. De facto recognition, arms embargo against his enemies. (recognizes that he is leader by fact not by law) US tries to make Carranza let them determine Mexico’s foreign policy, role of the church, elections, etc. Villa gets ticked at arms embargo…raids into Texas. General Pershing pursues Villa into Mexico. Carranza denounces this action. Pershing is unsuccessful Wilson accepts Carranza’s offer to negotiate settlement. Wilson backs away from Mexico as involvement in WWI becomes more likely - Chick-pea farmer of Sonora Talented military leader - Army of the Northwest, allies with Carranza over Villa Obregon
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 7 Fighting amongst Revolutionaries - Villa/Zapata vs Carranza/Obregon Oct 1914 Convention of Aguascalientes Zapata – Plan of Ayala – land reform. Gutierrez, Carranza’s general selected president - not Carranza - Carranza flees to Veracruz, promises social reforms to ALL - January 1915, Obregon’s troops hold Mexico City Fighting amongst Revolutionaries - Villa/Zapata vs Carranza/Obregon Oct 1914 Convention of Aguascalientes Zapata – Plan of Ayala – land reform. Gutierrez, Carranza’s general selected president - not Carranza Carranza flees to Veracruz, promises social reforms to ALL - January 1915, Obregon’s troops hold Mexico City 1915, Woodrow Wilson acknowledges Carranza’s ascendancy 1915, Woodrow Wilson acknowledges Carranza’s ascendancy
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 8 Constitution of 1917 - Article 3 and the Church - Articles 34 and 35 - Article 123 - Article 27 Caranza calls for convention in fall of 1916 First draft didn’t include agrarian reform Radical left wingers created commission to revise Carranza’s first draft to include radicals ideas Article 3 restricted the churches control of education Articles 34 and 35 dealt with citizenship and voting rights Article 123 dealt with women’s labor rights Article 27, dealt with property rights Ultimately the constitution weakened the power of the church, weakened the latifundio, and the operations of foreign capital in Mexico Asuncion Ocotlan Church “Fruits of Labor” Diego Rivera Hermila Galido de Topete – Women’s equality leader
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 9 Carranza’s Presidency - May 1, 1915 - Independent judiciary - Land reform - What to do about Villa and Zapata? - "Red Battalions" First was head of pre-constitutional government after Huerta Carranza formally took charge of the executive branch on May 1, 1915 Introduced reforms to ensure an independent judiciary for Mexico Forms a plan to return some land (formally public land) to villages Reality very little returned What to do about Villa and Zapata? - February 1915, the Constitutionalist Army signed an agreement with the Casa del Obrero Mundial “House of the World Worker” (Large labor union) six "Red Battalions" of workers formed to fight alongside the Constitutionalists against Villa and Zapata after the defeat of Villa and Zapata, relations between Carranza and organized labor soured January 1916, the Red Battalions were dissolved
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 10 Carranza’s Presidency August 1916, the Casa del Obrero Mudial forcibly disbanded - Did not implement reform articles of constitution - Foreign policy - Zapata killed April10, 1919 August 1916, the Casa del Obrero Mudial forcibly disbanded by the police September 1916, Carranza called for a Constitutional Convention In May 1917, Carranza became the constitutional President of Mexico Did not implement reform articles of constitution Returned land to Hacendados, gave to friends…widespread corruption Ignore free public education Shut down Casa del obrero mundial Foreign policy Refused to guarantee that article 27 would not be used against foreigners Neutral in WWI Demand independent political position in W Hemisphere Continuing struggle: Zapata: killed by treachery April10, 1919.
The Revolution and its Leaders (1910-17) 11 Election of 1920 - Puts forth Ignacio Bonillas as successor - Obregon calls for Carranza to be removed - Carranza flees - Adolfo de la Huerta becomes prov. Pres. - Obregon’s election is certain outcome - Reconstruction can begin Election of 1920: No re-election clause Puts forth Ignacio Bonillas as successor, manipulate the system to ensure election. Obregon with support of labor party calls for Caranzza to be removed, institute provisional president. Quick coup shows unpopularity of Caranzza May, Caranzza runs away with 5 million pesos. Slain in the mountains on May 21 Adolfo de la Huerta, General of Liberal Constitutionalist Army becomes prov. Pres. Obregon’s election is certain outcome. Zapatists promised agrarian reform. Villa given Hacienda as thanks for his support. Assassinated in 1923. Now reconstruction can begin. million pop loss since 1910. Constitution as blueprint A generation of men who lust for power and wealth as result of war and military experience. Ignacio Bonillas Adolfo de la Huerta Álvaro Obregón