Introducing 1 Linda Newton Troop Guide
Leveraging Diversity through Inclusiveness 2
Learning Objectives As a result of this session you will be able to: 3 Understand the basic definition of diversity Recognize the importance of inclusiveness to achieve diversity Understand the simple inclusive behaviors that can make diversity work
Have you ever wanted to be on a team or work on a project but were not asked to join or help? How did that make you feel? 4
Think for a minute about… The people in your unit at home. The people you work with. Are there people you count on all the time? When something really needs to get done, do you turn to the same familiar people- your “first-string players”- to make it happen? Why? 5
First-string players Do they have the same work ethic as you do? Are you alike in many ways? Do you know them better than others? What about the other players on your team? How are they different? When do you decide, if you do, to “go to the bench”? 6
At this point in the course you’ve probably identified those folks who are like you in your patrol and those who are not. Let’s talk about some of the differences. What do you think of when asked for a definition of diversity? 7
3 Categories of Diversity Human diversity Cultural diversity Organizational diversity 8
Human Diversity Human Diversity is the Raw Material of who we are. –Gender –Race –Age –Physical appearance –Health 9
Human Diversity Human diversity is the accumulation of our life experiences: –Education –Marital and parental status –Occupation –Geographic location 10
Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity arises from differences in: –Language –Lifestyle –Heritage –Belief systems –Religious beliefs –Traditions 11
Organizational Diversity Organizational diversity is characterized by differences inherent in the values, vision, and mission of organizations. –Teamwork –Roles –Relationships –Leadership –Empowerment –Education –Affiliations 12
Leveraging Diversity How does it make us stronger? Diversity is the uniqueness each of us brings to fulfilling our mission and achieving the vision. We are stronger together than when we are separated. Out of our differences come inspirations, fresh ideas, and new solution. 13
In God We Trust: E pluribus Unum - - “Out of many, one” 14
Diversity for the BSA Aggressively recruit a diverse membership and leadership Encourage all members of teams, regardless of their backgrounds, to contribute their talents and strengths Serve as visible role models leveraging diversity and valuing others 15
What Are The Barriers? There is comfort in sameness. There is learning in difference. We naturally resist change, even when change can be positive. 16
How Do We Respond? Leveraging diversity does not mean we have to compromise our values. But it does mean that we should seek out the best in others, regardless of their beliefs or way of life. 17
Achieving Diversity Successful patrols function as a team. Successful patrols put differences to work. Members of a team are responsible for the whole group. Its as simple as remembering to “go to the bench.” Include everyone on the team. 18
What happens when a patrol makes diversity work? All skills and life experiences are put to work to achieve success. The experience is richer for all. 19
What happens if diversity isn’t made to work as a strength? People feel they experience negative treatment. Strong emotions build that get in the way. We are not always talking about discrimination. It can be as simple as always turning to the “first-string players.” 20
What can I do? When you lead, make sure everyone has challenging opportunities to contribute and learn from. Consider how your leadership behavior affects the team environment. Take time to show you care. Recognize individual & team achievements. Reach out and learn something from everyone. 21
Food for Thought Does everyone understand and agree with what success looks like for your patrol at Wood Badge? Do you actively sense how team members are doing and do something about it? Are you teaching each other skills so all can more fully participate? Do team members support one another during times of conflict? Does the team work to ensure everyone is performing at his or her best? Do you celebrate individual success as a group? Does everyone feel like they are contributing something to and getting something from the patrol? 22
Powerful Concepts Simple Behaviors By simply including all team members, you can leverage the power of the diverse nature of the people who make it up. Make these powerful concepts work, and the team will grow! 23
Learning Objectives As a result of this session are you able to: 24 Understand the basic definition of diversity Recognize the importance of inclusiveness to achieve diversity Understand the simple inclusive behaviors that can make diversity work
25 Thank You!