Scenarios for oneM2M and OIC Interworking Group Name: Architecture WG Source: Kiran Vedula, Jieun Keum, Samsung Electronics, Sung Chan Choi, KETI, Seonhyang Kim, DT&C, Bahareh Sadeghi, Intel, Lionel Florit, Cisco, Meeting Date: <2015-09-07> Agenda Item: <WI 44: oneM2M-OIC interworking >
Interworking overview OIC Industrial Field Domain oneM2M SmartHome OIC Healthcare No.4 No.1 No.3 oneM2M Infrastructure Domain oneM2M SmartCar Field Domain No.2 OIC SmartHome Field Domian The case for OIC device controls oneM2M devices is considered to be the scope of OIC spec . Requires to define how to present non-OIC device to OIC device
Interworking Scenario 1 OIC devices in the field domain connect to oneM2M infra domain and get controlled by oneM2M system Field Domain Infrastructure Domain Infrastructure domain of oneM2M Service Provider oneM2M Service Controller OIC Devices in the field domain
Interworking Scenario 1 - Usecase Connecting a new OIC device to oneM2M infra domain to be controlled by oneM2M service provider or controller User buys a new Samsung Washer(OIC) and connect to Gateway(IPE) subsidized by oneM2M service provider platform in order to receive their oneM2M based IoT service.
Interworking Scenario 2 Interworking between OIC field domain and oneM2M field domains through oneM2M infrastructure domain Infrastructure Domain Field Domain Infrastructure domain of oneM2M Service Provider oneM2M Devices in the field domain OIC Devices in the field domain
Interworking Scenario 2 - Usecase More than two different field domains(oneM2M, OIC) can connect to each other by using oneM2M infrastructure domain. SmartHome (OIC field domain) devices can get the energy consumption data from SmartEnergy (oneM2M field domain) through oneM2M service and control the appliance based on the received data. Ex) Air conditioning could get the price data from the SmartEnergy and if the electricity price is high, it will turn the energy-saving mode.
Interworking Scenario 3 Interworking between OIC field domains through oneM2M infrastructure domain Infrastructure Domain Field Domain Infrastructure domain of oneM2M Service Provider OIC Devices in the field domain OIC Devices in the field domain
Interworking Scenario 3 - Usecase OIC field domains can connect to each other by using oneM2M infrastructure domain. SmartHome (OIC field domain) and Healthcare system (OIC field domain) is connected with oneM2M service provider. By using oneM2M infrastructure network, devices in both OIC domains can transfer information between them.
Interworking Scenario 4 Interworking between OIC field domains and oneM2M field domains locally Field Domain Infrastructure Domain oneM2M Devices in the field domain Infrastructure domain of oneM2M Service Provider OIC Devices in the field domain
Interworking Scenario 4 - Usecase Connecting a new OIC device to oneM2M devices(oneM2M field domain) in local network User installs new smart bulb (OIC device) in home. This new bulb could connect to oneM2M devices in home and could be controlled by a OneM2M switch.