Mentoring Writers 1810: Service Learning Project Shar Reh & David Ahlman September 7 th, Present
Salt Lake Teens Write: Program Description “Salt Lake Teens Write is a community-based mentoring program which advocates for the importance of writing no matter where it takes place. We accomplish this by pairing local teens with adult mentors who use writing in their daily lives and professions. These writing mentoring relationships…are designed to motivate both teens and mentors to strengthen their writing skills for personal, academic and professional development.” - Salt Lake Teens Write: Mentor Training Manual, Page 7
Teen Background: Shar Reh Shar Reh is a seventeen-year-old Junior at Cottonwood High School and currently lives in South Salt Lake, Utah. * * * * * He moved to America from Burma six years ago and knows three languages. * * * * * He joined the Salt Lake Teens Write program in hopes of improving his English reading and writing skills. * * * * * He loves being active and playing sports. His favorite sport is soccer.
Mentor Background: David Ahlman David Ahlman is a twenty-three year old college Sophmore attending Salt Lake Community College and currently lives in Sandy, Utah. * * * * * He is the fifth of seven children; born in California, raised in Utah. * * * * * He is in pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree in English and will later pursue a law degree. * * * * * Like Shar Reh, he loves being active. He also writes poetry, music, and short stories as a hobby.
Personal Development A folder was provided to Shar Reh to help him track his reading and writing progress. * * * * * During our meetings we discuss Shar’s Five life goals: 1. Wants to earn good grades in high school. 2. Wants to attend a four-year university. 3. Wants to receive a scholarship. 4. Wants to be an example for his current family. 5. Wants to be an example for his future family. And work to accomplish them.
Academic Development During each meeting we review homework assignments needing to be completed, read, write, and create minor goals we both need to complete before our next meeting together. * * * * * Shar and David both currently maintain 3.5 GPAs. * * * * * November 9 th, 2013: David and Shar attended a Salt Lake Teens sponsored writing course on how to apply for college scholarships. * * * * * In February 2014, Shar will take the ACT then submit for several college scholarship opportunities.
Professional Development “David Ahlman has completed his 15 hours of service for this semester. David joined Salt Lake Teens Write as a mentor for our year, and although his originally assigned teen ended up dropping, David took on another teen--Shar Reh--and stuck with us through the mentor training and kickoff in September, our all-group workshop on college scholarships and applications in November, and his weekly meetings with his teen in- between. * * * * * I just met with David to discuss his experience, and he shared with me all that he has learned from Shar Reh, who received part of his education outdoors beneath a tree, speaks three languages, and loves football. David embodies the reciprocity we seek in mentors--he is a learner alongside his teen, and celebrates Shar Reh's contributions to their collaboration while at the same time seeking to support Shar Reh's needs and goals. I couldn't be more pleased with this experience. Mentors like David are why our program is a success!! * * * * * Thank you for allowing me to visit your class and have your wonderful students be part of our work at the CWC!! Cheers, Elisa Stone Associate Director, SLCC Community Writing Center”
Greatest Reward Was during the college application course, Shar Reh filled out a form describing his experience with the program. He wrote two things he has gained so far: 1. A better grasp of English 2. He made a friend. “Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.” - Dalai Lama