By: Ms. Susan M. Pojer
Regions of Latin America Central America The Caribbean South America South America
Satellite Image of Latin America
Bodies of Water Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Amazon R. Orinoco R. Uruguay R. Magdalena R. Sao Francisco R. Lake Titicaca Lake Maracaibo Rio de La Plata Parana R.
Mountains and Peaks Andes Mts. Sierra Madres Mts. Guiana Highlands Brazilian Highlands Patagonian Plateau
Andes Mountains (Peru)
Andes One of the longest, continual chain of mountains in the world Runs North to South through 7 countries in South America Home to several volcanoes Highest peak is Aconcagua
Llamas in the Andes
Llamas Domesticated camel-like animal used in Andean cultures Used for meat, wool and moving various items Llamas are very social animals, living in herds. They can learn simple tasks
The Sierra Madres, Mexico
Sierra Madres Mts These mountains are known as a cordillera- 2 parallel mountain ranges separated by land. The mountains are separated by the Mexican plateau. Plateau- high, flat mountain like terrain West- Sierra Madre Occidental (high plateau formed by volcanic rock) East- Sierra Madre Oriental (drier climate, more interior)
Guianan Highlands, Venezuela
Guainan Highlands Home to Angel Falls (longest/largest waterfall in the world) Home to tepuis- misshapen, eroded, mountainous flat tops
Brazilian Highlands
Covering half of Brazil, most of the population lives here
Patagonian Region (Chile)
Patagonia Located at the southern end of South America, it is shared between Argentina and Chile The name Patagonian comes from the word Patagon (meaning giant). The word was first used by Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese explorer) in 1520 to describe the very tall natives Climate/weather ranges from steppe like to cold, with glaciers coming into the lakes
Valleys Plains and Basins Amazon Basin Pampas Mato Grosso Gran Chaco Llanos
Amazon Rain Forest
Rainforest Most of the forest is located in Brazil, followed by Peru Represents half of the world’s remaining rainforest One of the most species-rich areas in the world
Mato Grosso
Mato Grasso State located in Brazil, meaning “thick Bushes” Includes beautiful waterfalls, cliffs and canyons Cultures are a mix of native, African and European (Portuguese) descents
Orinoco Lowlands, the Llanos
Llanos Spanish word for plains Plain- flat, low land, covered with grasses/shrubs. Animals mostly graze on plains
Cattle Ranching on the Pampas
Pampas Fertile lowlands with a mild climate, average precipitation, good for agriculture Grasses Located between Argentina and Uruguay
Gauchos of the Pampas, Argentina
Gauchos (Cowboys) Located in Patagonia (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile) They herd cattle on the pampas Equivalent to the American cowboy or the Spanish vaquero
Deserts Atacama Desert
Atacama A plateau located between Peru and Chile Driest desert in the world Changes in the elevation temperature are due to the Humboldt Current which is a cold, low salt content ocean current
Cities Mexico City Havanna Port-au-Prince Panama City Santiago Lima Buenos Aires Brasilia Rio De Janiero Caracas Bogota
Others Falkland Islands Cape Horn Panama Canal
The Falkland Islands or Islas Malvinas
Falklands An archipelago located in Patagonia A British territory that enjoys internal self government The capital and only city is called Stanly Legal British citizens Long history of island disputes between the French, Portuguese and the British
Cape Horn
Named after a city in the Netherlands Located in Chile Ships do not have to make dangerous voyages, they can now use the Panama Canal
The Panama Canal
Panama Canal Located in the country of Panama, which is an isthmus- narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas, usually with water on either side The canal connects the Atlantic to the Pacific via the Caribbean Sea. Construction of the canal began in Many people died while building the canal due to the tropical climate and the mosquitoes. Some builders died of malaria.
Going Through the Panama Canal
Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Amazon R. Orinoco R. Uruguay R. Magdalena R. Sao Francisco R. Lake Titicaca Lake Maracaibo Rio de La Plata Parana R. Andes Mts. Sierra Madres Mts. Guiana Highlands Brazilian Highlands Patagonian Plateau Amazon Basin Pampas Mato Grosso Gran Chaco Llanos Atacama Desert Mexico City Havanna Port-au-Prince Panama City Santiago Lima Buenos Aires Brasilia Rio De Janiero Caracas Bogota Falkland Islands Cape Horn Panama Canal
Earthquake Zones
Active Volcanoes
The Tropical Hemisphere
Very Varied Climate Zones
Altitudinal Zonation: Vertical Climate
Amazon Rain Forest
On the Ground Floor of the Rain Forest
Three-Tiered Vegetation
Three-Tiered Canopy
Native Indians of the Amazon
Jungle Fauna
Jungle Fauna- the animals in a region or area Flora- the plants in a region or area Biota- the living things collectively in a region or area; the plants, animals and fungi
Minerals of the Amazon Region Diamonds Amethyst Quartz Bauxite
Deforestation in the Amazon
Original Forest Cover Future Forest Cover Current Forest Cover
Agriculture and Fishing
Banana Plantation
Bananas Found in tropical climates Needs deep, fertile soil, in particular alluvial soil to grow
Harvesting Sugar Cane
Growing Coffee
Rubber Industry
Rubber Produced by latex in plants Trees are slightly cut, through the bark, to drain latex sap Stretchy, flexible and waerproof
Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
Drug Trafficking Routes
Population and Projections
Sao Paolo, Brazil
Overcrowding in Sao Paolo, Brazil
Squatter Settlements in Major Latin American Cities
Squatter Villages Slums/shanty towns or areas Poor Some of the residents may be immigrants Over-crowding Unsanitary conditions, air/water pollution