What is an Interactive Notebook? A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, classwork, quizzes – in one convenient spot.
Student Materials Notebook Blue/Black pens or pencil 4 different colored Highlighters
Cover At least 3 Social Studies related pics related to topics we will cover this year in our curriculum PRINT, CUT OUT OF MAGAZINES, DRAW COVER WITH TAPE OR CONTACT PAPER NAME, SOCIAL STUDIES, GRADE, MR WALKER
Maintaining the Interactive Notebook No ripped out pages or torn corners No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes Notebook should only be used in Social Studies. (No other classes!!) Number each page UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS WEEKLY
Bio Page 1 solid page all about you Favorite Social Studies topic Hobbies Family Pets Etc.
Requirements Output and Input Pages Table of Contents Appendix Personalized Cover Updated Daily
Output The OUTPUT side belongs to you. It contains your warm-up and the day’s activity. On this page you may include THINKING MAPS diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, etc.
Examples of OUTPUT Assignments Warm-Up Webs Diagrams Poems Reflections Comics
Illustrated Outlines
Thinking Map
Comic Strips
Venn Diagram
Inputs The input side belongs to me and should only contain teacher directed guided notes. Nothing else should be placed on this page! The input side will contain all the testable material. QUIZ/TEST QUESTIONS!
Examples of INPUT Side Assignments Notes Study Guides Vocabulary