Why are rainforests being destroyed in Brazil? By.Judy Chang & Sharon Jung Earth Science Period. 5
Outline Do you know anything about the rainforest? What are the effects? Do you know what it looks like? What can we do? What have we taught you? Where did we get our information?
Rainforest facts Rainforest- a very dense, relatively warm wet forest. There are two types of rainforests: temperate and tropical. 20% of the world’s oxygen comes from the Amazon rainforest. Tropical rainforest deforestation results in the loss of 100 species per day.
Rainforests in Brazil The Amazon rainforest is in Brazil The biggest rainforest in the world Half of brazil is forested terrain The rainforests in Brazil are tropical rainforests.
What is happening to the rainforest? Being destroyed for profits Used for resources like Timber Land being used for raising cattle deforestation
Effects Percentage of oxygen from rainforest decreasing 70,000 people had to leave to build one dam. Deforestation threatens many species of tree frogs Release of carbon in the vegetation could accelerate global warming
Deforestation has made Brazil one of the top greenhouse gas producers Tribal homelands are destroyed
Solution Planting trees Decreasing the need for the amount of products that are harvested from the rainforests. Tell other people about the deforestation of the Amazon and what the effects are. Recycle. Don’t cut as many trees
References Scott Lewis (1990), The rainforest Book, Living Planet press, Los Angeles, CA Rainforest facts available at (June 5, 2006) Al Gore (2006), An Inconvenient Truth, Rodale, Emmaus, PA Rainforest information available at Mike Tidwell (1996), Amazon Stranger: A Rainforest Battles Big Oil, Lyons & Burford Publishers, New York NY