Chapter 9 Let Your Motto Be Resistance,
I. A Rising Tide: Racism & Violence Increased racism and violence, –Met with growing abolitionist militancy Manifest Destiny –Legitimized war for territorial expansion –Defined progress in racial terms
Texas and War with Mexico (cont.) Mexican Cession –Wilmot Proviso –Slavery expansion –California gold –Compromise of 1850 Stronger fugitive slave law Personal liberty laws –Prigg v. Pennsylvania
II. The Response of the Antislavery Movement Race-related violence increased –Created difficulties Setting policies –White abolitions set policy Abolitionist commitment to non-violence weakened –Limited options
The American Anti-Slavery Society American Anti-Slavery Society –AASS, 1831 Black men participated without formal restrictions –Rarely held positions of authority –William Lloyd Garrison Immediate, uncompensated emancipation Equal rights for African Americans
Black Newspapers –North Star Frederick Douglass
Moral Suasion (cont.) AASS –Used moral arguments against slave owners Ultimately failed –Petitions to Congress To end slavery in Washington, D.C.
V. The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Divided by failure of moral suasion –AASS splintered in 1840 Role of women in abolitionism Garrison’s increasing radicalism
VI. A More Aggressive Abolitionism Growing northern empathy for slaves The Amistad and the Creole The Underground Railroad –Harriet Tubman
VII. Black Militancy Too much talk and not enough action –More black abolitionists consider forceful action –Many black abolitionists wanted to do more, 1840s- 1850s Charged white abolitionists with duplicity –Lewis Tappan –William Lloyd Garrison
VIII. Frederick Douglass Born a slave, 1818 –Learned to read –Developed a trade –Escaped in 1838 –Antislavery lecturer, 1841 Encouraged by Garrison –Breaks with Garrison in 1847 –North Star, 1847
IX. Black Nationalism African-American migration and black nationalism –Best means to realize black aspirations –Violence Convinced a small few to advocate emigration –Martin R. Delany »See VOICES –Henry Highland Garnett »See PROFILE –Douglass and other black abolitionists rejected »Wanted freedom in the Unites States
X. Conclusion From gradual to immediate abolition of slavery –Adjust antislavery tactics to meet rising violence –Combined approach Moral suasion Political involvement Direct action Movement to black nationalism –Promote interests, rights, and identity