Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Building the Way Forward IWA WATER & Development congress October 20, 2015
Isolated infrastructure (engineered and natural) solutions aimed at just one sector are no longer fit for purpose – as disturbance and change in one part of the system can destabilise another part. For example, building an irrigation scheme to abstract water upstream can reduce the amount of water available for hydroelectic power generation. Or in the case of natural infrastructure clearing the forest in the upper part of the catchment for agriculture, will result in sedimentation of dams downstream and result in poor water quality that affects fisheries and drinking water supply.
Food, water and energy Food security: 925 million people go hungry Around 1 billion people suffer from the ‘hidden hunger’ World population is increasing by 6 million per month An extra billion tonnes of cereals will be needed by 2030 (FAO) Water security: 1.2 billion people live in areas affected by physical water scarcity 1.6 billion people live in areas affected by economic water scarcity 884 million people lack access to clean water Poor quality water in Middle East and North Africa costs from 0.5% to 2.5% of GDP. Energy security: Currently, 1.4bn people do not have sufficient electricity. It is estimated that in 2030 1.2bn people will still lack access to electricity Source: FAO (2010) / WEO 2010/UNICEF 2010 4
2050 – The Challenge 9 Billion People 60% More Food 80% More Energy Water +55% OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 Energy +80% OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 Emissions (GHG) +52% (with no policy change) OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 Food +60% FAO (TOWARDS 2030/2050) 80% More Energy 55% More Water
Energy and agriculture price volatility Global Nexus Risks Water supply crisis Energy and agriculture price volatility Food shortages crises
Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions CENTRAL ASIA JULY 2014 ASIA March 2014 LATIN AMERICA September 2013 AFRICA May 2013 Series of workshops – each workshop went through a process of defining problems, solutions, and ways to mobilise these solutions. A selection were then developed into proposals, some of which are being developed further. In Africa, the focus was on discussing best practices Reference Group provides strategic direction, experienced opinion, foresight and thought leadership to the Dialogue. Reference Group members were drawn from leading agencies working on nexus and infrastructure challenges in the water, food, and energy disciplines. Latin America – have moved towards optimization of these best practices In Asia , the focus was on how to mobilize and implement best practices and innovative ideas, including securing the enabling environment that can make that happen Central – Asia – aim was to go a step further – enhance collaboration identify practical steps toward implementing water, energy and food nexus planning and practices in the Amu Darya River Basin – includes developing an investment grade proposal In Africa solutions centred around technical led development and planning In Latin America there were more institutional, governance and financing issues In Asia – a series of proposasl were developed – e.g. data democratizations. Also platform for green technology implementation - Wetlands systems, use of anaerobic systems, air cooling in power plants – for example in the Magdelena Basin in Colombia there are 32 institutions dealing with water resources
“Nexus Solutions?” multiple goals – 4 x pictures, 4 arrows then integrate and optimise – 1 arrow what is optimise – the best result for multiple goals
Confronting Nexus Challenges Which technologies? What governance arrangements? Whose risks and benefits at which scales? How can investment pathways work across sectors? Which sectors are most powerful?
A Framework for Action In looking at opportunities and challenges for water, energy and food in Latin America used this framework Of the 4 I’s infrastructure, institutions, information and investment which govern nexus trade-offs Go through a few highlights – report more detail
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