The limitation in current NEMO scenario -Problem Statement draft-zhao-nemo-limitations-ps-00.txt John.zhaoJohn.zhao(Huawei technology shanghai R&D) Ke lin Ke lin (Shanghai jiao tong university) Wen tao zhong Wen tao zhong (Shanghai jiao tong university)
Index Problems and solutions MR loop Entry point selection PMIP related Conclusions and suggestion Future plan Next step References
Problem MR loop Problem: The MR may establish the route loop each other. Suggestion: We need to distinguish the MR.
Problem entry point selection Problem: The mobile entities(MR or MN) need to select a more stable entry point as the selection to visit the internet. Suggestion: Let the mobile learn some more information about the upper level router.
The network is PMIPv6 enabled. (MIPv4 is similar) MR bootstrapping in this PMIPv6 network. MR didn’t run the NEMO protocol(RFC3963) and network use PMIP to management its mobility. We use the root MR as the example, and others is similar.But if nested MR occurred, RO is suggested to promote the efficiency. Scenarios of PMIP related ? LMA/HA needs the binding info for the LFN’s prefix as the following: MRID MR’s HoA MR’s CoA LFN’s Prefix Dst Dst=LFN’s prefix + node ID SrcPayload CN’s Addr DstSrcPayloadDstSrc Dst=LFN’s prefix + node ID CN’s Addr MR’s CoA LMA’s Addr DstSrcPayloadDstSrc Dst=LFN’s prefix + node ID CN’s Addr MR’s HoA MAG’s Addr DstSrcPayload Dst=LFN’s prefix + node ID CN’s Addr
Problems and requirements of PMIP related 1)How to forward the packets destinated to the nodes under the MR? MAG send the PBU included with the LFN’s prefix to LMA/HA. 2)Where to find the LFN’s prefix of that MR? Policy server Getting it/them from that MR 3)When does the MAG send the PBU? When the MR enter into the PMIPv6 domain. 4)How does the MAG know this is a MR but not a MN? Policy server Getting it/them from that MR
solution This is a MR (Optional includeing with the LFN’s prefix) Really? I need help you binding your LFN’s prefix in LMA/HA. PBU(with LFN’s prefix) MR IDCoAHoALFN’s prefix
Conclusions and suggestion Conclusions: Mobile router is difference to mobile node in pmip scenario and need to be learnt by pmip domain; If can mobile router know each other and the distinguish with those fixed routers, it maybe useful for the best route path selection and the access to the internet. Suggestion: We suggest that we can extend current router discovery messages to achieve these goals.
Next step Agree to these problems? Agree to these solutions? We need to provide this details as above? If true, if this draft can be accepted in mext? Other suggestions?