Chapter 16
Noun and Adjective Agreement What is an adjective? a word that describes a noun or pronoun
What is meant by case of a noun? part of speech - subject, direct object What is meant by gender of a noun? masculine - feminine - neuter
What is meant by number of a noun? singular or plural What three ways must a Latin adjective agree with the noun it is describing? case, number and gender
Activity 1: Identify the following: 1.Gender: magnus canis_____________________ magna vox_____________________ magnum iter_____________________
2.Case: magnus pater___________________________ magni patris___________________________ magnum patrem ___________________________ magno patre___________________________ 3.Number: magnus canis__________magni canes__________ magna vox__________magnae voces__________ magnum iter__________magna itinera__________
The fact that adjectives must agree with their nouns does ________ mean that the adjective and noun will always have __________________ not identical endings
What is meant by declension? a grouping that share a common spelling pattern How many declensions of adjectives are there in Latin? two
How do you recognize a 1 st /2 nd declension adjective? masculinefeminineneuter -us -a -um How do you find the stem of a 1 st /2 nd declension adjective? drop -a from feminine form
Activity 2:Add 1 st /2 nd declension adjective endings to the golden charts. masculinefeminineneuter nominative genitive dative accusative ablative
Activity 3: Decline the following 1 st /2 nd declension adjective bonus, bona, bonum - stem _____________________ masculinefeminineneuter nom: gen: dat: acc: abl:
Activity 6 – Underline all the adjectives and draw an arrow to the noun it is describing. Explain how the adjective agrees with the noun, then translate the sentence. 1.Plaustrum duas rotas habet; rustici in plaustrum onera magna ponunt; boves tardi plaustrum per vias in magnam urbem nocte trahunt. explanation: ___________________________________ explanation: ___________________________________ explanation: ___________________________________ explanation: ___________________________________
2.Ubi Cornelius multas epistulas scribit, nemo eum impedit. explanation: ________________________________ 3.Si magnae voces liberorum patrem vexant, Aurelia pueros strenuos in hortum mittit. explanation: __________________________________ explanation: __________________________________
4.Cornelius magnum numerum servorum in vineā vicinā spectabat. explanation: __________________________________ explanation: __________________________________ 5.Ancilla nova puellarum nomina vocat; sed strenuae puellae magnam vocem ancillaenon audiunt. explanation: __________________________________ explanation: __________________________________ explanation: __________________________________
fortis, fortis, forte strong, brave celer, celeris, celere quickly