Labor Movement in the United States Notes & Foldable Directions
Setting Up Foldable Fold paper in ½(burrito) Lave a ½ inch overhang Title the overhang “History of Labor in the U.S.” Make 4 cuts on the shorter side resulting in 5 tabs
Label the 5 tabs Early America (p.142-143) Industrial Era (p. 244-249) 1920s (p. 417-418) 1930s / New Deal (p. 507-508) Farm Workers /1960s (p. 769-771)
Early America Title Yours Should look like this Industrial Era 1920’s 1930’s / New Deal Farm Workers / 1960s
Now… Flip over to the back There are no tabs here, no labels It should be a blank space We’re going to take the following notes here before you get started researching labor and filling in your tabs!
Summary of Labor History in the U.S. Labor Union - An organization of laborers formed for the purpose of serving the members' interests including protecting their working conditions and improving wages. Early America(1860 –1890) Industry develops without protection for the workers – abuses, safety concerns What tragic incident eventually to led to protective legislation?
Industrial Era (1890-1920) Unions form to combat abuses Craft –based unions – unions that joined people together who worked in a similar craft Auto, welding, electrical, masonry, weaving Stronger the skill required for the job = stronger the union Small craft-based unions fought amongst themselves
1920s Unions lose appeal as they are divided by management and fight each other 1930s / New Deal Craft based unions merge to create strong / powerful unions AFL CIO
People who were typically excluded from unions Farm workers Domestic laborers Racial minorities Women’s professions 1960s Farm workers form their own strong powerful unions Today Union membership has declined drastically from what it was in the 1950s Fastest growing union is in the service industry (waiters, janitors, hotel clerks, etc.)
Open up the Tabs On the Left Side : Summarize the labor movement during that time period in at least 3 sentences. On the Right Side: List and explain 3 major unions, leaders or labor actions during that era. Explain each in 1 sentence.