Soviet Union by Cody Sensenig Seth McKinley Lexi Hoffman Adriana Vargas Smith Alex Rogozin
Five Year Plan Stalin aimed at building heavy industry, improving transportation and increasing farm output. the government controled all economic activity.
Command Economy and Agriculture collectives Command Economy- Government officials make all the decisions about all the basic economy One Command Economy is Agriculture collectives Agriculture collectives- Stalin controls agriculture and the government wants farmers to work harder to feed the people in the cities. Some of the produce is sold abroard to earn money.
Stalin takes Control of Agriculture Agriculture was put under government control Peasants were supposed to farm on state-owned farms or on collectives Government has crops being sold at low prices and farmers land is given up Government thought Kulaks were behind the people who burned of crops, destroyed tools & killed farm animals Collectives-large farms operated/owned by a group of peasants (increased Stalin's control but did not improve farm output) Kulaks-farmers of wealth
Stalin Enforces his Power Kulaks were sent to labor camps where they were killed or where they died from overworking Government let farms that made enough only to feed themselves, starve--this led to the famine (also known as the terror famine) where 5 to 8 million people died Stalin used violent purges, secret police, torture, to ensure absolute obedience Grumblers to this were sent to Gulag Gulag-system of brutal labor camps full of criminals/political prisoners
Propaganda Stalin tried to boost moral and faith into the community by using propanganda. He made himself a godlike figure to be the propaganda. he used the modern technology to spread the propaganda. Comintern They wanted to make every country to revolt into comunism. already partially started in russia with lenin and stalin.
Great Purge Stalin has full power. He is afraid the community is going to try to take him down. He attacked his own police, army heroes, factory managers, and regular townspeople.
Censorship of the arts Stalin put restrictions on the ideas, information and the art during the 1930's. He put Socialist Realism into place. All the art was to support socialism while showing the Soviet life positively.
Russification Stalin controlled the culture life of the Soviet Union by adding Russification. This idea was to make other countries more Russian. The U.S.S.R. was made up of 11 Soviet Socialists.
Atheism Communist party tried to strengthen its hold on the minds of the people by destroying everyone's religious faith. Atheism was introduced, a belief that there is no god, which then became an official state policy. Women Women worked for the revolution spreading radical ideas. Under communists, women won equality under the law. They gained access to education and jobs. In the 1930s women's labor grew and helped Soviet economic growth.
Benefits/Drawbacks Most people enjoyed benefits, even thought they were excluded from party membership. Required all children to attend free Communist schools. Supported tech schools and universities. Communists set up out of school programs - sports, cultural activities, and political classes. State provided free medical care, daycare for kids, inexpensive housing, and public recreation. Although many people still lacked vital necessities.