Objective I: Analyzing the Great Depression Task: Spend some time investigating each the 25 photographs that are contained in this ppt. Next, choose 3 of the pictures you examined, copy and paste them on to a word document. Then, underneath each of the 3 pictures, describe the situation/problem and lives/living conditions of the person(s) in the photo using your knowledge of the Great Depression (you may use your textbook, unit overview, and any notes as a reference if needed). The Thorny ‘30s Great Depression & New Deal Field Research Assessment
EXAMPLE: The girl in this photo is named Mildred. Millie is 23 years old and been working on her family’s farm since she was 4. Lately, things have gone from bad to worse for her and her family. Millie has a very tough life as she is working in a dust storm, such storms plagued Midwestern farmers during the 1930s. This section of the country was referred to as the Dust Bowl... You will then continue to describe the situation/problems created by the Dust Bowl drought and how they affected the lives/living conditions of Millie and her family. Remember: The more HISTORICAL detail you use the better grade you will receive.