Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Dissemination and Further Analysis Workshop DEVINFO FOR MICS DISSEMINATION
Purpose of DevInfo DevInfo is a UN-supported initiative that aims to translate large investments in data collection into improved development outcomes through the use of data Consists of core database structure, various options for exchange and visualization, and training programme for how to use and apply this
Objectives of Session To demonstrate potential of DevInfo technology and services for dissemination of MICS data To gain brief understanding of simple steps to upload MICS data to DevInfo database
Serbia MICS3 on DevInfo – Example MICS 3 was carried out by the Statistical Office of Serbia with the Strategic Marketing agency in 2005, with technical and financial support from UNICEF. MICS data were uploaded on DevInfo system and are used as a major source of information providing data to monitor national and international targets which include 21 out of the 48 MDG indicators. With DevInfo, MICS data can be easily and timely presented as tables, charts, and maps. It helps promote the use of MICS data for improved planning and policy making.
CEE/CIS: MICS data in DevInfo databases
TABLE: MICS3 MDG Indicators
GRAPH: Disparities by education background, wealth quintiles, ethnic minorities
GRAPH: Disparities in Water and Sanitation by wealth quintiles Modules that were “additional”/”optional” or which were being developed at the time of the first workshop are now part of the core set of questionnaires A single set of questionnaires are now being used – no additional or optional modules
MAP: Disparities in Adult Literacy in Lebanon vary greatly by region
Sampling Increases in sample size –7000 in MICS3 –Around 10,500 in MICS4 Over-sampling for under-5s, minority groups Weighted sample designs 12 percent relative error
Demonstration of basic DevInfo user interface
data dashboards Interactive data
di Profiles Data Snapshot
di books extending release
extending MICS reporting
CME Info
Dominican Republic Iraq
Example: Table CM.2 (MICS4)
Contacts For further support with DevInfo services: Jon Kapp (technical support) Regional Focal Points –ROSARhiannon James –CEE/CIS Siraj Mahmudlu –ESA Martha Mahanga –MENA Sarah Ahmad Mirza –TAC Shane Khan Peter Leth (global UN focal point)