Tennessee SBIRT Summit November 12, 2015 Reducing Adolescent Substance Abuse Initiative (RASAI)
State Leads Special Guests Learning Community Participants Introduction Name Role in RASAI Project Organization What You Hope to Get Out of Today’s Meeting Welcome!
Agenda 9:15 – 9:30amYear 1 Review 9:30 – 10:15amYear 1 Roundtable Discussions 10:15 – 10:45amKeynote Speaker Address Angela McKinney Jones, Tennessee DMHDD R. Lyle Cooper, Meharry Medical College 10:45 – 11:00amBreak 11:00 – 11:30am Data, Data, Data 11:30 – 11:45amState Lead Policy Update Alysia Williams, TAMHO Director of Policy and Advocacy 11:45 – 12:00pmYear 2 Overview: Sustainability and Scalability
Agenda (Cont.) 12:00 – 12:30pmLunch 12:30 – 1:45pm“A” Breakout Sessions Breakout 1a: New Staff SBIRT Training – Pam Pietruszewski Breakout 2a: SBIRT Supervisors Retreat: Building Sustainable Protocols –Aaron Williams 1:45 – 2:00pmBreak 2:00 – 3:15pm“B” Breakout Sessions Breakout 1b: New Staff SBIRT Training (cont.) – Pam Pietruszewski Breakout 2b: SBIRT Supervisors Retreat: Clinical Monitoring, Supervision, & Change Management – Aaron Williams 3:15 – 4:00pmAction Planning 4:00 – 4:30pmClosing Remarks, Next Steps, Celebration, and Group Picture
Mental illness in adolescence increases risk for substance abuse –1 in 5 with ADHD –1 in 3 with bipolar disorder Prevention and early intervention with SBIRT is an excellent opportunity The National Council is well positioned for this work with more than 2,500 member organizations in community mental health and addiction treatment Mission is to advance our members’ ability to deliver integrated health care
R educing A dolescent S ubstance A buse I nitiative Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, 2 year learning community Implementation of SBIRT in community behavioral health organizations (CBHOs) that serve adolescents in mental health care Structured and individualized training & TA to facilitate SBIRT implementation, financing, and sustainability Supports “state leads” to develop SBIRT sustainability strategies, or state policy-level changes to facilitate durable SBIRT programs
RASAI Learning Community Members New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare (State Lead) Astor Services for Children and Families Child & Adolescent Treatment Services Hillside Children’s Center ICL Northeast Parent & Child Society Peninsula Counseling Center Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc. (State Lead) Central Kansas Mental Health Center Compass Behavioral Health Elizabeth Layton Center, Inc. Four County Mental Health Center South Central Mental Health Counseling Center The Center for Counseling & Consultation California Council of Community Mental Health Agencies (State Lead) Bill Wilson Center Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services Hillsides Pacific Clinics Turning Point of Central California, Inc. Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council (State Lead) Community Reach Center Jefferson Center for Mental Health Mental Health Center of Denver San Luis Valley Behavioral Health Group Rhode Island Council of Community Mental Health Organizations, Inc. (State Lead) Gateway Healthcare, Inc. Newport Community Mental Health Center The Providence Center 27 organizations spanning 6 states Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations (State Lead) Alliance Healthcare Services Carey Counseling Center, Inc. Frontier Health Helen Ross McNabb Center
Incubates innovation Interconnects with our policy priorities Positions organizations for future opportunities Improves operational & administrative backbone for organizational change and innovation Leverages existing strengths and meets members where they are Improves patient outcomes Builds overall co-occurring & whole health capability Provides excellent & responsive customer service Exercises nimbleness and flexibility based on member needs Starts small and scales up Guiding Principles of RASAI
Status Snapshot Incorporating CRAFFT or UNCOPE+ screen into EHR system Teams developing SBIRT action plans Redesigning programming and workflows Agency mission’s incorporating substance use as part of health Policies, procedures and clinical protocol revisions Robust collection of patient-level data Strong state partnerships o OASAS/NY o Kansas state trainings 400 Clinicians Trained 1,200 Training completions 100% sites implementing Adolescents screened
Key Challenges Staff time limitations for completing trainings Staffing issues: turnover, under-staffing, etc. Tight timeline Comfort with brief interventions Questions about confidentiality EHRs and data collection
RASAI Activities 100% of sites are implementing SBIRT 100% of sites completed all program requirements 100% of sites regularly tracking and monitoring key performance indicators related to SBIRT 7 in-person presentations have occurred, with 230 staff in attendance 14 webinar trainings have been presented, with 1,200 training completions
Year 1 Data Highlights (as of June 2015) 61% white 37% have a depressive disorder 56% never smoked 54% no intervention needed 42% need BI or RT 89% accuracy of identifying at-risk adolescents 70% at-risk adolescents received BI or RT 48% who needed BIs received them 35% who needed RT received referral
Adding New Ingredients Brief Intervention Fidelity Calls No-Show Management SBIRT Survival Kits SBIRT Scoop State-Level partnerships Communication/Process Improvements EHR-specific TA
Roundtable Discussions What are you most proud of in year one? What was your biggest challenge in year one? What tools, resources, and/or consultation can the National Council provide to assist you in taking your program to the next level? What’s your number one priority in year 2?
SBIRT Summit Keynote R. Lyle Cooper Assistant Professor Meharry Medical College Angela McKinney Jones Director of Prevention Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Alysia Williams TAMHO Director of Policy and Advocacy State Lead Policy Update