Farm Animals Amanda Sanchez EDU 214 Information Technology in Teaching Nevada State College Dr. Graziano Speech Pathologist Group- 2 nd grade & 3 rd grade February 11, 2011
Introduction Old Mc Donald has gone to Hawaii for vacation. He has put you in charge of the farm. All his animals have escaped and they are great hiders. Find what animals make which sounds so you can find them. You need to know how they act, and put them back in their habit before Old Mc Donald comes back. In the end you need to show a picture of your adventure to Old Mc Donald
Task Create a picture of the farm ◦ There must be at least 3different animals and no more than 6 ◦ Make the noise each animal makes on your farm ◦ Provide two facts of each animal on your farm ◦ Present the finishing picture to the teacher & group ◦ Be creative ◦ HAVE FUN
Process ◦ Lets learn first what’s on a farm; Watch the “F” is for Farm video to get an idea Oi9OSqw Oi9OSqw ◦ Next play the game to hear the different animal sounds on the farm play (easy & hard) nimal_sounds/default.htm nimal_sounds/default.htm
Process ◦ Listen to each of the animals descriptions and sounds (pages 1-8) ◦ Next learn some facts about your animals html html ◦ Play the game to learn about the animals _sounds/default.htm _sounds/default.htm
Assistance If assistance is necessary a professional or fellow student can help the student; ◦ Type ◦ Guide ◦ Or write for the student If assistance is necessary for an ELS student then a professional or other student can help that student.
Evaluation Understanding of the task2 pts. Provides 2 facts of each animal 2 pts. Pronounces the words correctly2 pts. Produces the various animal sounds2 pts. Creativity 2 pts. Able to show the results to the class 2 pts. Total of 12 points Comments;
Conclusion At the end of the task the students will be able to produce the sounds of the animals. They will learn new facts about the animals they choose. This also includes; Pronouncing the words correctly Listening activities