Ways that Adobe Connect Meeting is Used student group meetings office hours student presentations lecture delivery guest speakers webinar-style trainings information sessions Adobe Connect Meeting - What is it? sychronous tool (live, and online) web-conferencing delivery audio, webcam, screen share, text chat
Between Fall 2006 to Present : Not all uses of Connect include audio, some do use text chat. Historically, faculty have been advised to change the delivery to accommodate the student. live text chat, asynchronous discussion relay service scheduling one-on-one time with the student who is deaf or hard-of- hearing. For Winter course with deaf or hard of hearing students 152 course offerings designated as using Connect (some courses may be a repeat offering) in those courses, a total of 34 deaf or hard of enrollments (one student may be enrolled in more than one course) On average 4-5% of online students are deaf or hard of hearing
Interpreter broadcast via Connect Real-time captions via Connect: Course Real-time captions via Connect: Webinar Set up via ConnectExample
Some initial recommendation and lessons learned…. faculty and students need to adjust assumptions and expectations pacing, volume, annunciation one-to-many or many-to-many? repeating questions a lot more preparation and planning involved faculty awareness notifying registrar so students know in advance overall request process and who’s involved
on-hand technical support needs to be considered someone in the room with the instructor what if Connect or captioning issues usability considerations captioning pod placement is it effective or comparable to other methods? costs captionist technial support phone charges if used Some initial recommendation and lessons learned….