MKI’s TCM Tests status Electronics and Controls 17/11/2014 by R.A.Barlow
MKI’s hardware faults, LS1 MKI BEAM 1StatusMKI BEAM 2Status DCPS Gen B (Fug 3kV) SolvedIFM AS-I slave PFN temp PFN C & D On-going Bad acquisition of FSC counters On-goingCanalis CB failureSolved Missing magnet PT100 Still one signal missing Siemens AS-I system power supply failure Solved Dump Switch PFN A EDS relay Solved Leaky GH systemOn-going
MKI’s software upgrades New KiTS system – Fully deployed (FESA3) State control – Fully deployed (FESA3) PLC software – Consolidated (new functionalities added) – Still a few open points to be solved Communication WATCHDOG added SCADA upgraded
MKI tests ElementsMKI BEAM1MKI BEAM2Comments Magnet/Tube temps Tested 1 PT100 signal still missing in MKI2 DCPS Pxi diagOn-going Needs to be tested with Vref, trigger, CT current from RCPS FVC system for thyratrons On-going 2 most furthest away dump switches causing trouble Slow interlock testing TestedOn-going Fast interlock testing On-going Reaction to erratic still to be tested (erratic detection OK) ACONDTested SOFT-STARTTestedNot yet BIS systemsPartially tested Not yet Dry-run setupTestedNot yet