Altruism vs. Prosocial behavior Why do people help? Or not help? s/world_news-europe/ s/world_news-europe/ 2-p9Q 2-p9Q Do animals show prosocial behavior?
Kin altruism/inclusive fitness Direct reciprocity Indirect reciprocity Signaling theory Group selection theory/genetic/group selection Are these testable? Are there other explanations for these findings? What is the ultimate cause of prosocial behavior, according to evolutionary psychologists?
Negative state relief model—Cialdini Arousal: cost-reward model—Piliavin Social learning Modeling Norms: reciprocity, fairness
When do we help according to this model? Batson paradigm Aversive-arousal reduction, empathy-specific punishments, empathy-specific rewards, empathic joy, negative state-relief, feelings of oneness (Cialdini) Benefits of altruism? Costs of altruism? How to measure/ manip. empathy
Penner Prosocial Personality Battery ◦ Ascription of responsibility ◦ Empathic concern ◦ Perspective taking ◦ Personal distress ◦ Other-oriented reasoning ◦ Mutual-concern reasoning ◦ Helpfulness Gender Genetic basis
Women Similar others In group members More attractive people
See Table 2: /Levine%20et%20al%20helping.pdf /Levine%20et%20al%20helping.pdf Cultural differences in 3 situations More per capita purchasing power, less helping Hispanic countries tended to be higher NO relationship to individualism/collectivism What do Keltner et al. say about cultural differences in helping?
Population density ◦ Why? Time pressure (Samaritan study) Bystander intervention ◦ Notice ◦ Interpret as emergency ◦ Assume responsibility ◦ Know how to act ◦ Act
Latané & Rodin results intervening% pairs intervening Alone7091 w/Confederate714 Two strangers2340 Two friends4570 Social influence Audience inhibition Diffusion of responsibility context=C3476ef2UDOEgsToPDskISJjYGpPomMBNuGB34GTlt context=C3476ef2UDOEgsToPDskISJjYGpPomMBNuGB34GTlt
ConditionProcessHelp rate (In %) AloneNone95% No contactDR 84% Seen by otherDR & AI73% See other personDR & SI73% See and be seenDR,AI,SI50%
Latané, Harton, Bourgeois, Rockloff, etc. ConditionProcess AloneNone Back to BackDR Participant faces the confederate’s back SI + DR Confederate faces the participant’s back AI + DR Face to faceSI + AI + DR Experimental conditions
Percentage helping
Comments on the model/article? What are advantages/disadvantages to the model? M * (D * (1+B self ) + K * B recip – C inact ) > C action When does it say people will help? Table 1 How can we tell who will help us later? Is prosocial behavior “contagious”? Is game theory a good way to investigate prosocial behavior?
How do the authors suggest that PB may be related to biology?
What leads people to volunteer? Differences by country
Don’t force it Give kids a reason for behaviors Say “you’re helpful” Be a good parent/model positive behaviors JU JU Prosocial tv and video games Educate about effects Prime being watched or a higher power Other ways?
History What is it?
What is happiness? How is it operationally defined? What is happiness made up of? What things make us happy? Why don’t other things we think would make us happy work? Why don’t life circumstances matter more? Can we make ourselves happier? What are moderators of happiness interventions and why do they work?
Should governments measure/care about SWB? What factors are related to more happiness in a country? How does the US do on those? How can SWB be used in policy? Should it be?
What is the relationship between income and SWB? When do we/do we not adapt? Should we be really happy or just fairly happy? Is happiness always a good thing? What does knowing about national happiness do for us? What is cause vs. effect? (does money cause happiness or happiness, money?)
Please imagine a ladder with steps numbered from zero at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time? (ladder-present) On which step do you think you will stand about five years from now? (ladder-future)
happiness/ happiness/ du/ du/