1 STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS DECISION MAKING Academic year University of Siena Dott. Francesca Gagliardi
2 ISSUES OF THE COURSE The course provides a panoramic view of the most important statistical tools that allow performance measurement. It allows students to reach the necessary skills in order to take decisions under uncertainty when a large amount of quantitative and qualitative information are available. The core of the course are statistical methods for business decision making.
3 BACKGROUND It is a course of advanced statistics, even if more conceptual aspects are given than mathematical-statistical ones. Elements of basic descriptive and inferential statistics are needed.
4 MATERIAL FOR THE COURSE There is not a unique book. Slides from the professor will be provided for each lesson and with them also references to textbooks.
5 GENERAL INFORMATION SCHEDULED LESSONS The course begin the 28th of September 2015 with the following timetable: –Monday 8.30 Room A11 –Tuesday Room A1 –Friday 8.30 Room A11.
6 GENERAL INFORMATION EXAM –MID TERM EXAMS Two mid term written exams are foreseen. The first at the end of the 6 credit program, the second at the end of the course. –FINAL EXAMS All the exams are written.
7 GENERAL INFORMATION MEETING WITH PROFESSOR The professor can meet students every Tuesday before the lesson from 9 to 10 a.m. CONTACTS – –Phone:
8 Review of basic statistics The course begins with a review of basic statistical concepts needed for the development of the program. It is a very quick review of statistical concept that you should already know.
9 Then, we will deal with… Marketing samples Simple and multiple linear regresssion Index numbers Balanced scorecard system Performance measurment Frontier production analysis Total and partial productivity indexes
10 … External efficiency Here the course for 6 CFU ends. Then for the remaining 3 CFU: Logit model Factor analysis For all: PC applications