MICE VC Alain Blondel 1 MICE NEWS MICE VC Next Collaboration meeting CM36 will be Jun at IIT and the 19th at Fermilab right before the MAP collaboration meeting. Attendance to MAP collaboration meeting is highly recommended you can register from link on CM36 site 2. The following one CM37 will be at RAL in November Overall schedule modified 4. RSLR (Resource Loaded Schedule Review) took place 7-8 May 2013 MICE Project Board, MPB-5, on 9 May Funding Agency Committee on 10 May I have sent by the reports from Ian Robson (chair of RSLR) and Steve Peggs (chair of MPB) and the links to MICE presentations, i.e. the CERN indico MICE page (where a number of other MICE meetings are, e.g.CM’s)
MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 1.Spectrometer solenoid SS2 is now ready for field mapping and shipping. Virostek plates are in the air, mapping equipment repacked and will fly 22 may SS1 (aka the second magnet) is still in construction; expect coolling& training in June-July 3. Focus coil FC1 has reached full field in solenoid mode Quench history (Ampere: 157.6, 159, 162, ) 4. Present MOM is Linda Coney, then Ryan Bayes need MOMs until end of 2013 please respond positively to request! 5. EMR construction progressing well 6.EMR run will be in user run 15 July-8 August. Prepare yourself for shifts! main objective: check device works and integrate in MICE DAQ/controls +Scan momentum (mostly pion beams) to establish range/momentum relation + momentum distribution settings (muon beams) polarization (Rogers)? Where are we now? 12th February Quench 27th February Quench 28th February Quench 1st March Quench 7th March Quench 24th April Quench 2nd May Quench 8th May Quench (2nd coil)
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4 Important decision points -- September 2013: installation of return yokes for step IV why not decide now? --original motivation of baseline plan is to run step IV before Q it is not certain that the tracker readout can be properly shielded (cryocooler, electronics) without return yoke -- the cost and schedule implications of yoke implementation need to be understood -- Around summer 2015 : -- decision point for possible step V stop-over in implementation of full return Yoke for step V/VI
MICE VC Alain Blondel 5 Report from RSLR See the slides by Robson that I sent. Here are ‘recommandations’ and ‘actions’ Automn 2013 is likely to be around November Outcomes from the RSLR Review –Recommendations (my explanatory comments) Develop a risk-cost-benefit decision tree that shows how decisions regarding performance/cost-schedule trade-offs might be taken, for the next round of oversight meetings in the autumn Complete the financial analysis presented in the meeting of the savings of not proceeding beyond Step V by the autumn. (NB. this question was asked as the meeting with the reply that step VI is typically 20% of cost-to-completion in US, 30% in UK; most risk is in the first RFCC) Perform a cost-benefit analysis to support the final decisions on potential delays to key staff appointments by the autumn. Establish a set of criteria for the demonstration of the successful conclusion of Step IV for the autumn. (NB these are acceptance criteria of the constructed apparatus) Update the project schedule to present the best, most probable and worst-case dates for Steps V and VI by autumn. Identify a set of appropriate intermediate milestones as a means of monitoring and reporting progress by autumn.
MICE VC Alain Blondel 6 Outcomes from the RSLR Review –Actions (these are essentially orders) Undertake an analysis of the cost of risk mitigation to the same level on both sides [of the Atlantic, i.e. UK+US] to determine the potential impact on schedule and cost-to-completion by the autumn round of meetings in (NB at the moment there is no contingency included in the UK project) Identify and recruit appropriate external specialists as members of the review panel assessing the stray magnetic fields in the MICE Hall that will be held at RAL in August/Sept Planning for the review should be starting now (NB this was decided and started already by MICE but we are ordered to do it)
MICE VC Alain Blondel 7 Outcomes from the RLSR Review – Recommendations for the Funding Agencies Analyse the re-profiling of allocation between financial years for specific items in order to maintain schedule, by October Clarify the timeliness of the MICE project outcomes within MAP and the future muon programme in the US, by autumn Re-examine the availability of funding for the MICE project in the UK in light of progress and developments on the US side. My comments: this is considerable progress!The US project has received an uplift in funding to be able to deliver the experiment by 2018, and has seen considerable progress in management. The essential milestone of SS2 being an operational magnet was also noted. This recommends that UK analyse what it takes to follow.
MICE VC Alain Blondel 8 OVERVIEW Recommendation 1. Create a living, accessible and regularly updated one-page "dashboard" summary of milestone achievements demonstrating the evolving status of deliverables (eg magnets), initially focusing on Step IV, as soon as possible. (would like a dynamic presentation of the data normally contained in Gail’s Milestone table) Recommendation 2. Produce a one-page specification for the operation of the MICE International Project Office and present at the next MPB meeting (see next slide. Andy Nichols to work out with all parties how to make this work) Conclusions and recommandations of MPB (I)
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10 SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Recommendation 3. Investigate the potential reasons for the slow and unusual training of Spectrometer Solenoid 2 (and Focusing Coil 1). Check the protocols (eg travelers) for the Spectrometer Solenoids and Focusing Coils, to establish the level of quality assurance and to seek explanations for slow training. Present results at the next MPB meeting. (see next slide why this is relevant for MICE long term) Recommendation 4. Re-evaluate the possibility of proximity shielding (partial yoke) that takes into account the detailed situation of the present infrastructure in the MICE hall and present a plan for future work at the mitigation shielding review at RAL in August/September. (NB this is one for Magnetic mitigation group. the committee felt that the approach was perhaps too ‘manichean’ – a middle solution combining a lesser yoke and some proximity shielding might be more optimal) RF SYSTEMS Recommendation 5. Prepare a plan to test a prototype Low Level RF system with the RF Coupling Coil at the Fermilab MTA, and present the plan at the next MPB meeting. (this is a risk-mitigation encouragement) Conclusions and recommandations of MPB (II)
A running schedule unknown FLIP SOLENOID We plan to run both configurations will the AFC magnet need re-training, and how long should we allow for this? A A
COMMISSIONING, CONTROLS & OPERATIONS Recommendation 6. Present an integrated plan for all aspects of the control system at the next MPB meeting. (for Controls team c/o Pierrick) Recommendation 7. Present the requirements and design of the MICE timing system at the next MPB meeting, with particular emphasis on absolute calibration by particle arrival phase measurement. (this is a good one for Yordan + Strathclyde team) Recommendation 8. Explore the potential to achieve synergistic economies of scale in the maintenance and operation of the liquid hydrogen system by working with the ISIS moderator cryogenics team, and present at the next MPB meeting. (that one is for Andy) Recommendation 9. Develop an on-site support plan for day-today operations, maintenance and repair of the MICE hardware, and present at the next MPB meeting. ( MICE operations group)
Conclusions -- thanks to the hard work of MICE and in particular the ‘MIPO’ initiative MICE fared well on this cycle of reviews. -- substantial homework to be done (a lot of it was already in our list!) -- I have indicated some of the most natural assignment of homework we will work in the next few days/weeks on a more complete cover of the questions