NOUN / VERBSUFFIXADJECTIVES danger fame Virtue courage - ous - eous dangerous famous virtuous courageous music, politics, emotion, economics, industry -almusical, political, emotional, economical, industrial cloud, sun, fog, dirt, hunger, thirst -ycloudy, sunny, foggy, dirty, hungry, thirsty Attract, create-iveattractive creative
The roads were dangerous this morning: it was foggy and I couldn’t see far. He was very emotional when we said goodbye. My dad bought an electric car because it’s more economical. I’m afraid you’ll have to clean the floor, it’s very dirty. Political Attractive Famous
-able / -ible
-able ADJECTIVES FROM NOUNS AND VERBS: I had a very enjoyable evening with you. This chair is really comfortable! Please, mum. Don’t wear that skirt! It’s not fashionable. A pink and yellow dress is not suitable for a funeral.
-able -able = something can be done: Is that jacket washable? This phone is very reliable. I’ve never had a problem with it. My mum is the most dependable person in my family. It was an awful dinner. I didn’t have anything drinkable or eatable.
-able OPPOSITES: UN- Unsuitable Unbreakable Unreliable Unfashionable Uncomfortable Unbelievable ….
-ible -admissible - accesible -compatible -convertible -edible -horrible -divisible -eligible -flexible -responsible -visible -… - incomprehensible - invisible - illegible - infallible - inflexible - irreductible - incredible -….
-ful / -less -ful = full of____ or having the quality. My dad is a careful driver. My teacher’s advice wasn’t very helpful. It was very painful when you kicked my knee. This isn’t a very useful exercise. My mum is usually very thoughtful.
-ful / -less -less = without My mum is a careless driver. This exercise is useless. Many homeless people sleep in parks. Tom is a shameless person. I’m as helpless as a baby.