LIST AND EXPLAIN THREE WAYS THAT YOU HAVE IMPROVED YOUR WRITING FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR TO NOW….. I have improved at writing essays the correct way. Also I have gotten better at writing in criterion and getting high scores. In addition I have learned how to write about literary devices.
HOW HAS YOUR READING IMPROVED THIS YEAR? EXPLAIN. I have improved in reading speed this year. If I put my mind to it and focus I could finish a book in two days. I have also been reading harder books like the giver.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR LANGUAGE ARTS EXPERIENCE OVERALL THIS YEAR? I have liked my language arts experience this year. I liked it because it’s a good thing to learn and it’s some time I get to spend with my 6 th grade friends.
WHAT IS YOUR OVERALL INDIVIDUAL GOAL FOR THIS CLASS? My overall goal in language this year is to complete the 40 book challenge.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR SOCIAL STUDIES EXPERIENCE THIS YEAR? I liked my social studies experience this year. I did because I like to learn about how people lived and what important things happened.
WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT HISTORY THIS YEAR? The most important thing I learned about history this year is how the first civilizations were functioned and what happened to them.
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY IN SOCIAL STUDIES THIS YEAR? My favorite activity this year was the mock election. I liked it because we got to feel what a real election felt like. I also liked it because I won the election.
WHAT IS YOUR OVERALL INDIVIDUAL GOAL FOR THIS CLASS? My overall goal for social studies is to finish with an overall grade of 100. I think this because it is a good push for me to try hard in class.
HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE GROWN AS A LEARNER FROM YOUR HONEY BEE (DPC) EXPERIENCE? I think I have learned a ton about the bees. I have learned that we need them in our ecosystems. If we didn’t it would be hard to survive.
DID YOUR GROUP WORK WELL TOGETHER? WHY OR WHY NOT? I think our group worked well together even though we are all working on different projects. I believe this because our group doesn’t argue or fight.
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE PART OF THIS CHALLENGE? My favorite part of this challenge is doing my job. I think this because when I tweet I help get our project known by other people.
WHAT IS YOUR OVERALL INDIVIDUAL GOAL FOR THIS CLASS? My goal is to present in one of our presentations. I would like this because I have not had a chance yet.
WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND CHALLENGING ABOUT SCIENCE THIS YEAR? The most challenging thing about science this year was nothing. I think this because I understood each lesson. In addition I have kept my grade up except when I was absent, and then I still brought it back up.
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OVERCOME THESE CHALLENGES? I haven’t done anything. I didn’t because there were no challenges to overcome.
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY IN SCIENCE THIS YEAR? My favorite activity this year in science was the gravity cruisers unit. In the unit my partner Nick and I had to make a non-electric car made of corrugated plastic. I liked this unit because right from the start of class you got to build right away.
WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL GOAL IN SCIENCE FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR? WHY? My personal goal for science is to ace one test and finish with an A overall grade. I think this is a good goal since I don’t ace very many test. In addition it is always good to end with an A.
WHAT SCIENCE ACTIVITY WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOUR PARENTS AND WHY? I would like to share Nick and I’s gravity cruisers website. I would like to show this because it was my favorite unit.
WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND CHALLENGING ABOUT MATH THIS YEAR? The most challenging thing in math this year is remembering to do ixl. Most weeks I just forget completely and get an E. Otherwise I do it all on Saturday.
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OVERCOME THESE CHALLENGES? I am going to get reminders to do it. Also I have to accept that I have to do it and do it. Also I will have to divide the time throughout the week.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF IN MATH THIS YEAR? EXPLAIN WHY I am most proud of being in the class its self. It is a very difficult class in the first place. Some of the concepts are very difficult, but I am still making my way through the class. That is what I am proud of.
WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL GOAL IN MATH FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR? WHY? My personal goal for math this year is to talk to Mrs.Brown Face to face more about my grades and missing work. I think that is a good goal because my grades would stay up and I will get into good classes.
WHAT MATH ACTIVITY WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR PARENTS TO TRY AND WHY? I want you to try to do a simulation. I think this is a good type of problem because it is a tricky one.