ShareNet Integrating Trust and Privacy policy Li Ding
The Research Road Map Representation Web entity Individual: person, website, robot Community: social network, fiends Complex knowledge relation: trust, proof, provenance rule: policy Others: logging, web credibility Computation Distributed co-learning Network/graph analysis Distributed logical inference Technology Web service: WSDL, OWL-S, SOAP Knowledge creation: auto translation, XSLT Knowledge representation: P3P, RSS, FOAF User interface: XSLT
Roadmap Test --Privacy Policy Sharing –Framework –Context details Ontology –Address –FOAF-Lite –WebOfBelief Association Assertion AssertionProb –Website Privacy policy Shopping rating –Model/ Rule weightedModel Agents –Web service Pass OWL content via SOAP as (attachment ) (no in SOAP body) Create multiple instance of one web service –How to express query Jena query Tripple –Roles Person P3P converter Google Amazon reputation
P2P user network Web Information sources Robots Testbed Framework Facilitator PersonalWS GoogleRWS ReputationWS EpinionRWS Proxy PersonalWS
Privacy Policy Sharing Context M=50 users and N=100 websites “know” relations is –Randomly initialized: each user randomly know u users, and u follows (normal, zipf) distribution. –Randomly connected groups: users in the same group knows one another, then users are randomly connected “knowledge about website” –Range is “yes, no” – if the website has privacy policy –May not knowing the website –Rating “trust” relation is –Dynamically learned from experience –Dynamically inferred from network Scenarios Proxy/TestAgent ask user A about website X via facilitator Testing Agent generate initial knowledge distribution and send them to each personal agent Personal agent outsource knowledge/inquire rating Personal agents use their models (utility function) to make decision Personal agents evolve trust knowledge –QueryifWebsite: with α probability use own knowledge, otherwise use consensus –InitKnowledge: “know”, “website rating”, “trust evolution choice” –Register