The New Solution? Translate XHTML to Java GUI.
Advantages Using XML W3C support XSLT Language Testing Language Specification Using XHTML Reuse web tools W3C Recommended Popular, well known Platform independent look Dynamic HTML Event Handling
How to convert XHTML to Java GUI? Specify translation process How? Hard-coding?
Hard-coding Disadvantages of hard-coding Repetitive Poor maintainability Poor reusability
New Language? Advantages Treated as data XML Easily maintained Clear
New Language it is. Should it be interpreted or translated?
Interpretation Advantages Simpler to implement Data code separation Disadvantages Slow and inefficient
Translation Advantages Weaving Java into the specialized language Efficient execution of generated translator Disadvantages XML data becomes long, repetitive Java code The decision was to translate.
DHTML - Event Handling JUI_Interface eventInterface = getInterfaceBytype("java.awt.event.ActionListe ner"); JUI_Method eventMethod = getMethodByName("actionPerformed"); eventMethod.appendImplementationCode( StringManipulation.replace( " if (param0.getSource()==#self#)\n"+ " {\n"+ " "+self.getAttribute("onclick")+"\n"+ " }\n","#self#",outputProperty.getVariableName() ) ); eventInterface.addListeningProperty(outputPro perty); <listener interface="java.awt.event.ActionListener" method="actionPerformed" check="param0.getSource()==#self#" >self.getAttribute("onclick")
An example view
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