Title Your Theology Notes: About Sacred Scripture August 31, 2015
Discipline Record
Blue Bible Textbooks Bring the Blue Bible Textbook to class with you this Weds Block A – Per. 2 and 3 Thurs Block B – Per. 5, 6, 7
Mini-Series Moved to Friday If your class earns it, the Mini-Series will be watched on Friday
Notes / Background Look for the word Notes at the top of the screen – write it down Look for the word Background at the top of the screen – don’t write it down
Notes What Inspires You List 3 things in your notes that give you inspiration to do your best in life Example: Family, Friends, Prayer
Notes – Divine Inspiration Inspiration is the gift of the Holy Spirit by which a human author was able to write a biblical book which really has God as the author and which teaches faithfully and without error the saving truth that God willed to be consigned to us for our salvation.
Notes Since God inspired the biblical writers, he is the Author of Scripture
Background Because the human authors needed to use the language and thinking of their time, we need to study the conditions and use of language in the context of their time and understand what they intended to communicate, remembering that these human authors might not have been conscious of the deeper implications of what God wanted to communicate.
Example Turn to Ephesians Chapter 6: 5-9 Page 1675
Notes The Bible is inerrant in matters of Revelation and faith: because God is the Author of Scripture, all the religious truths that God intends to reveal concerning our salvation are true This attribute is called inerrancy Inerrancy means without error
Background The Bible is a sacred text for Christians; it contains in the Old Testament writings sacred to the Jews
Review/Background – How the Bible Came to Be Oral Tradition Development of the written books Setting the canon of Scripture Apostolic Tradition is the basis for which books the Church included Sometimes other criteria came into play Example – The Gnostic gospels were rejected in part because they did not include or shied away from the suffering and Death of Jesus Local Councils of Hippo in AD 393 and Carthage AD 397 Ecumenical Council of Trent AD Translations of Scripture
Notes – Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church Importance of Sacred Scripture in Worship and Study Study of Sacred Scripture in Catholic Christian Schools Scripture and Prayer Liturgy of the Hours Scripture at Mass and other liturgies The Psalms and the Our Father are biblical prayers shared by all Christians
Notes – Lectio Divina Lectio Divina – a meditative, prayerful approach to Scripture Scripture as the basis for individual prayer and for prayer within small Christian communities and other parish, school, or local gatherings
Chapel Visit You will bring your Bible to the Chapel now for a short visit Once we get there, you will choose any passage in the Bible you want to read You will read quietly for the duration of the visit You will respect this time or you will be asked to leave