The border checkpoint «Novaya Rudnya» (Vystupovichi) (Belarusian-Ukrainian border)
1 – Сheckpoint border officer on duty 2 – Passport control and lorry inspection zone (departure- entrance) 3 – Customs and border service staff building and the room for customs clearance of lorries (entrance-departure) 4 – Open parking lot for lorries (entrance). 5 – Open parking lot for lorries (departure) 6 – Isolated place for detailed inspection of lorries 7 – Ramp of the warehouse for temporary storing of detained cargo 8 – Platform for weight and dimensional control 9 – Parking lot for detained vehicles 10– Operation service block 11 –Border and customs control of passanger cars zone (departure) 12 – Border and customs control of passenger cars zone (entrance) 13 – Isolated place for detailed inspection of passenger car s 14 – Veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary control building 15 – Parking lot for inspection of passenger automobiles The border checkpoint «Novaya Rudnya» (Vystupovichi) (Belarusian-Ukrainian border)
GREEN CHANNEL RED CHANNEL BUSES CHANNEL Veterinary and phytosanitary control Transport controlCustoms and border control The border checkpoint «Novaya Rudnya» (Vystupovichi) (Belarusian-Ukrainian border)
GREEN CHANNEL RED CHANNEL BUSES CHANNEL Border controlTransport control Veterinary and phytosanitary control Customs control The border checkpoint «Novaya Rudnya» (Vystupovichi) (Belarusian-Ukrainian border)
Green channel Transferring of goods and vehicles not subject to declaring Green channel Transferring of goods and vehicles not subject to declaring Red channel Transferring of goods and vehicles subject to declaring The border checkpoint «Novaya Rudnya» (Vystupovichi) (Belarusian-Ukrainian border)