MAPS Amanda Ellis ED
Maps Subject- Social Studies Unit- Geography and Maps Lesson- for the students to be able to understand, interpret, and use a variety of different types of maps Grade- 2
State Standards Read and interpret a variety of maps. Construct a map that includes a map title and key that explains all the symbols used. Name and locate the continents and oceans. Describe and locate landforms and bodies of water.
Web Sites hy/ hy/ hy/
Activity One Objectives The students will be able to… draw a map of a specific location. follow a map when looking for a certain place. compare and contrast different ways of making a map. work together as a team to accomplish a goal.
Activity One Materials Large pieces of blank white paper Markers or crayons Hidden treasures (special pencil, eraser, stamp, etc.) Lined paper pencils
Activity One The students will get into pairs or groups of three and make a map of our classroom, choose a “treasure spot,” and mark the spot with a star. They will need to use symbols and have a key. When all the students are finished, the groups will switch maps and try to find the other groups treasure.
Activity One Continued While they are looking for the treasure, they are to right the directions of how they found it according to the map. Ex. We turned right past the science table and left at the lockers, etc. When all the treasures are found as a class we will look at everyone’s maps and compare and contrast them to show the children there are a lot of different ways to make a map of the same place.
Activity Two Objectives The students will be able to… write letters to people all over the country. track on a class map where Flat Stanley is going and which one went the farthest. be able to identify the places on the map where Flat Stanley travels.
Activity Two Materials Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown copies of Flat Stanley Paper for the journal writing Envelopes Stamps Addresses of where Flat Stanley is going pencils Markers or crayons Large map to track where he goes Pins or post- it notes for the map scissors
Activity Two Read Flat Stanley to the students and discuss the story. Students need to make their own Flat Stanley and start writing an adventure for him. Have the students decided where they want to send Flat Stanley. Write friendly letters to accompany Flat Stanley and his adventure.
Activity Two Continued Address the envelopes and mail the materials. The students need to mark on the map where Flat Stanley is going. Measure which one is going the farthest, shortest, etc. Have the students share Flat Stanley’s adventures when he returns and give information about the location where he went.
Activity Three Objectives The students will be able to… make a 3 dimensional representation of the world. label, recognize, and know the location of the continents and the oceans. have their own globe as a resource to refer back to when they need help.
Activity Three Materials Small balloons A lot of torn newspaper (about 1” strips) Newspaper sheets to cover the tables Blue paint Paint brushes Cut out of the continents Plastic bowls for glue Aprons or old shirts for the kids to wear Crayons Markers Glue solution Scissors
Activity Three The students are going to make a papier- mâché globe. Each student gets a balloon to blow up, a lot of newspaper strips, and the glue solution. The newspaper strips needs to be covered in the glue and placed on the balloon. The balloon will need to take at least three layers of newspaper and it needs to dry completely between the layers.
Activity Three Continued After the third layer is dry, the students will paint it blue for the oceans. (in sections, allowing 1 side to dry before painting the other side) The students need to color, cut out, and label, each continent. When the paint is dry, the continents need to be glued on in the correct places and the oceans labeled.
Activity Four Objectives The students will be able to… use computer technology to make a map. know the difference between starting point and ending point. understand the map key. follow the directions on a map.
Activity Four Materials Computers with internet service Printer Paper The school and the students home address
Activity Four The students are going to get the opportunity to get on the internet and make their own map. Log onto They need to make a map from school to their home address. Print it out. Write the directions out according to the map.
Activity Five Objectives The students will be able to… identify the planet, continent, country, state, and city where they live. make a personal book of these places.
Activity Five Materials Copies of the book pages Construction paper for the cover Scissors Crayons and markers Glue Copies of the maps they printed off from Mapquest
Activity Five The students are going make a personal book about where they live. Each page will describe their planet, continent, country, state, city, and the last page will be directions on getting to their house from school. The students will fill out each page, write a sentence about it, and color the picture. They will put all the pages together and decorate the cover.