A team—10 players B team—10 players C team—15 players C team players will have very limited playing time due to high numbers and 6 minute quarters 8 th Grade Coaches—Coach Floyd )and Coach Franks 7 th Grade Coaches—Coach Finley ) and Coach McFarlin Athletic Coordinator—Coach Young
Doors will open at 7:00am on mornings of practice. Please avoid showing up before this time—students will just be sitting in the locker room due to supervision. Practice will officially begin at 7:15. 7:00-7:15—after dressed the players can shoot around in the gym. 8 th Graders will practice through 1 st period and will be given time to shower and dress for 2 nd period. 7 th Graders will practice from 7:15-8:10. They will then leave for 1 st period. Upon returning 2 nd period practice will continue. They will be given time to shower and dress for 3 rd period. DAYS AFTER GAMES: 8 th graders can come in at 7:45; practice begins at 8:00. When 7 th graders arrive at school they need to get in workout clothes and go to 1 st period. Upon returning to 2 nd period they will be dressed and ready to practice.
All game schedules can be found at You can sign up for team alerts on the team schedule page (bottom left corner) C team will begin at 5:30 pm; B team 6:30; A team 7:30 6 minute quarters 7 th graders will be in the Auxiliary gyms at home and away games; 8 th graders will play in the competition gyms at home and away games. It is required that all players stay and support, watch, and cheer for all Cobb teams. Failure to stay will result in significant loss of playing time for the next game unless specific permission is given ahead of time. In order to participate in games, all players must be academically eligible. All students will participate in practice regardless of eligibility.
Only A Teams will participate in Basketball tournaments. Basketball coaches will reserve the right to pull up a couple of kids from lower teams to participate in tournaments if needed. No playing time is guaranteed to these players. Hoopfest Dec th 7 th grade will play at Johnson Middle school in McKinney 1 st game is Friday at 6:00pm vs. Wylie Burnett MS 8 th grade will play at Fowler Middle School in Frisco 1 st game at 7:00pm on Friday vs. Highland Park District Tournament-Feb 5 th and 6 th Only the top 8 teams from District play will be entered.
All Athletes will look the same on the court. We will issue game socks. Students are required to wash and keep up with these for all games. They will be turned in at the end of the season. Undershirts—if you wear a undershirt, it must be the same color as the uniform that you have on. It is against BB rules to wear a different color undershirt if it is showing. Shooting sleeves will not be permitted. Hair must be following the FISD athletic policy If you student is asked to get a hair cut, then please do so as quickly as possible. NO HAIR SHOULD BE COLORED. If student doesn’t follow these follow these policies they will not be allowed to play.
Prices for all games is 4 dollars per adult and 2 dollars per students If a student has a valid ID from a participating school they will be able to enter for free. If a parent has a Middle School Pass they will be able to enter for free. Contact the athletic for more information about Middle school passes. Behavior—please enjoy all the games as a parent. Avoid coaching your player before or during the games. Please respect coaches and officials. Never approach a coach after a game for a meeting. Please and set up a phone or face to face meeting if you have any concerns. If you are removed as a fan from a basketball game, you’ll not be permitted to attend any games for the remainder of the season. Every year the number of parents removed is in the double digits. 15 min Rule—please be on time picking up your student after games.
Remind 101 will be used as our primary source of communication for basketball teams. Please sign up for text messages or . If your student has a phone please have them sign up as well. 7 th Grade instructions Text “7thbbt” to 8 th Grade instructions Text “fc4hh” to 81010
We will be ordering our basketball meals from Chick-fil-a. Students will receive a meal before their games and will eat in the café. 8 th graders—please do not pay until we know for sure you have made a team. You do not have to order. If you do not please make arrangements to have a dinner for your athlete on game days. Game Day shirts We are currently designing our Basketball game day shirt. We will wear this Tee shirt on game days. Be looking for a Remind 101 text or within the next several days about getting this ordered Warning!!!! The webstore will not be open very long due to the urgency of getting these back. Please order immediately….we will not be able to order one for you if you miss the window. If you do not want to participate in this, please just have your student wear a polo shirt on game days.