MI VIDA By Samantha Perez
MY FAMILY This is my mother, Julie. She inspired me to go back to school. If she can do it as a single mother of two, then I can do it, too, minus the kids. This is my brother, Christopher *aka Kipper. He is a nerd, but I love him. We used to fight like cats and dogs, but as we got older we became closer.
These are my grandparents, Flora and Lucio. I absolutely love them with all my heart. They have raised me and I have always felt unconditional love from them. MY GRANDPARENTS
THE SAM'S This is my cousin’s son, Samuel. I love this little guy so much. He is the coolest toddler I know. He is full of love. My day brightens any time I see him.
THE BEARS My cousin Sarae and I are called the bears. I call her Kodiak. She calls me Polar Bear. We even have a bear handshake, called giving paws. It is like pounding knuckles, but we make our fists like paws and pound them together.
MY PRIDE AND JOY I have had other vehicles before, but this is by far my favorite. I 100% purchased this vehicle on my own, no help from my family. I like that I can drive in town, but I can also go off- roading. It is very practical to have a 4-wheel drive vehicle in New Mexico.
This is Josh, my best friend. We have been through thick and thin, and we remain the best of friends. He is currently serving in the NAVY at Guantanamo Bay. I only get to see him about once a year since he enlisted. I miss him terribly, but we talk to each other as often as possible, with the help of Facebook. MY BEST FRIEND
These are some of my friends. We are a crazy group of people, but I can always be myself around them. MY FRIENDS
DEAR SANTA I only had one request for Santa. All I wanted for Christmas was a BMW. Needless to say, I did not have keys under the tree this year.
I MUSTACHE YOU A QUESTION I absolutely love mustaches. I have loved them for years, before they got so popular as of lately. I own more mustache apparel than I can count, including belts, shirts, and magnets. I will even take a picture of a random stranger if I think they have a cool mustache.