Inquiry & The 5E Model in Science PES Science Staff Development – March 2104 A. Askew
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What’s the contradiction here?
Guided Inquiry Model T.I.E.D. Lesson Plans on the SOCC follow the Get students interested. Pose a perplexing question. Pique curiosity. (Listen for misconceptions.) T.I.E.D. Lesson Plans on the SOCC follow the 5E Model. Students evaluate their learning through sharing and measuring progress. Provide experiences. Students make and test predictions. Then, they record observations. Exploratory brainstorming… Use previous information to ask questions, make decisions, and propose solutions. Challenge students to apply what they know. Check for understanding. Students articulate ideas and explain solutions. Students listen critically to others and provide opinions. Connect to experiences…
Teacher Student Generates Asks Elicits Shows Connects Thinks Encourages Tests Observes Tries Probes Records Explains Expects Listens Reminds Questions Refers Uses Allows Applies Checks Demonstrates Evaluates The 5E Model for guided inquiries is a learning cycle based on a constructivist view of learning. Constructivism embraces the idea that learners bring with them preconceived ideas about how the world works. Learners test ideas against that which they already believe to be true. The 5E model places students at the center of their learning.
Engage Success! “Constructivism embraces the idea that learners bring with them preconceived ideas about how the world works. Learners test ideas against that which they already believe to be true. The objective of the constructivist model is to provide students with experiences that make them reconsider their conceptions. Then students “redefine, reorganize, elaborate, and change their initial concepts through self-reflection and interaction with their peers and environment” (Bybee, 1997).
Kindergarten 2nd 4th
Engage Read Aloud: Sheep in a Jeep What is a force? What can forces do? Is gravity a force? How do you know? What is motion?
Explore Sheep in a Jeep Checkpoint Lab Students explore things that affect motion. Math Connection
Explain Students had to create a poster displaying and explain what they learned about force and motion. In the directions students were asked to consider the following: What is the most important information to share from each part of the checkpoint lab activity? What data tables or graphs will you include? What pictures will you draw? Who is going to explain each part of the poster?
Elaborate- How could you help the sheep fall more safely Elaborate- How could you help the sheep fall more safely? Participate in Sheep Leap! Investigate Plan/Imagine Design/Create Evaluate Goal: Create an invention that decreases the speed that the animal falls due to gravity.
Elaborate- How could you help the sheep fall more safely Elaborate- How could you help the sheep fall more safely? Participate in Sheep Leap! Sheep Leap Share What was the best design? What do you think made it the best prototype? How long did it take to fall? How much longer did it take for the animal to fall with your parachute? Relate Sheep Leap to force and motion. Goal: Create an invention that decreases the speed that the animal falls due to gravity.
Evaluate - Allow students to share their understanding of concepts.
Learners bring with them preconceived ideas about how the world works Learners bring with them preconceived ideas about how the world works. Learners test new ideas against that which they already believe to be true. Instruction should place students at the center of their learning experiences, encouraging them to explore, construct their own understanding of scientific concepts , and relate those understandings to other concepts.
Other Resources – 5E Model Staff Development Documents
Feel free to share the resources with your grade level. Resource Calendars and EQs for the fourth nine weeks are uploaded on my website. Links to new inquiry resources are included as well. Feel free to share the resources with your grade level.
What part of inquiry are you most passionate about? Why? What question(s) do you still have about inquiry? In three words, what does an inquiry approach mean for your students? How has this changed or solidified your thinking about instruction?
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 25 Evidence Buckets Review Resources & Strategies Reflections on the Year Final Meeting: Tuesday, April 1 We will be sharing our learning at the staff meeting. What’s Next? Last but not least, please respond to the message that I’ve posted for you on Edmodo. Share a success story about how you have used formative assessment probes, student misconceptions to guide your instruction, or an inquiry strategy to engage learners.