The New World Empires of Portugal and Spain
The Treaty of Tordesillas Columbus’s voyage intensified rivalry between Portugal and Spain Both countries claimed the right to newly-discovered lands Pope arranged a settlement Columbus’s voyage intensified rivalry between Portugal and Spain Both countries claimed the right to newly-discovered lands Pope arranged a settlement
The Portuguese Amerigo Vespucci, 1st to claim what Columbus had found was a “New World” Mapmakers soon began to label the Western Hemisphere “America”, the Latinized form of Vespucci’s name Amerigo Vespucci, 1st to claim what Columbus had found was a “New World” Mapmakers soon began to label the Western Hemisphere “America”, the Latinized form of Vespucci’s name
One of the earliest world maps to show the Americas
Portuguese claims to land in the New World were based on the expedition of Pedro Cabral in Set out to follow da Gama’s route around Africa -Fleet blown off course to e. coast of South America -Portugal claimed this land which became Brazil Portuguese claims to land in the New World were based on the expedition of Pedro Cabral in Set out to follow da Gama’s route around Africa -Fleet blown off course to e. coast of South America -Portugal claimed this land which became Brazil
The Spanish Balboa was the first Spanish explorer to sight the Pacific by crossing the Isthmus of Panama in 1513
Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe by sailing around the southern tip of S. America into the Pacific Ocean
Magellan GPS System
Conquistadors claimed thousands of square miles of the Americas for Spain in the early 1500’s Francisco Pizarro Hernan Cortes
By the early 1500’s, Spain had established permanent colonies in the Americas Spain divided its territory into viceroyalties with governors appointed by the king Missions were established to spread Christianity By the early 1500’s, Spain had established permanent colonies in the Americas Spain divided its territory into viceroyalties with governors appointed by the king Missions were established to spread Christianity
Spain’s New World Empire by 1800