Power Struggle Issues
Kamenev and Zinoviev joined in 1926 Stalin turned against the Right in 1929 Trotsky and the Left * End of NEP Peasants should be forced into collectivisation and Industrialisation Permanent Revolution Stalin+ Triumvirate ( K. + Z.) and the Right (Rykov, Tomsky, Bukharin) *NEP could continue *Peasants should be persuaded * Socialism in one country
Lenin´s Testament not published Stalin´s Enrolnment ; new members joined the party; became very loyal to Stalin Stalin´s key posts, personality and brutal behavior Trotsky discredited; in 1924 Party Conference condemned his views, in 1925 T. removed from his position as commissar of war, in 1927 expelled from the Communist Party, in 1928 exiled, in 1940 assassinated in Mexico Kamenev and Zinoviev joined Stalin in the end ( as an opportunist Stalin now presented T.s ideas as his own), but were executed in 1936
Bukharin and the Right discredited in 1929, B. for continuation of NEP, criticised Stalin´s policies as a whole. By 1929 Stalin´s rule was complete!
Robert Conquest; Stalin´s aim to gain all the power bu crushing all the rivals Robert c. Tucker; Stalin wanted to make himself as important revolutionary as Lenin, but his success also because of weaknesses of his rivals Edward Carr; Zinoviev and Kamenev too weak to challenge Stalin Stephen Coe; Bukharin too committed to NEP and that was the reason for his failure, Lenin did not understand the threat of Stalin before 1922
Isaac Deutscher; Trotsky too weak and without Lenin he was too isolated Robert Daniels; Circular Flow of Power; the red Tsar, Stalin had to use old Tsarist bureaucracy Sheila Fizpatrick; Patriots attaracted by Bolsheviks approach on foreign interventions