Baltimore Polytechnic Institute March 24, 2015 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green
Decade Chart 1940s New Election Charts Test Next Tuesday and Wednesday
Objectives: Students willanalyze New Deal legislation by evaluating the effectiveness of New Deal policies. AP Focus The first hundred days of Roosevelt’s presidency witness a torrent of executive and legislative programs, acts, and policies that attempt to deal with the Great Depression and to reform the economic system, so that the nation will never again experience such a devastating economic collapse. To jumpstart the economy, Roosevelt institutes an inflationary policy in which deficit spending is used to create jobs. It is hoped that this will reduce the number of people needing government aid and increase consumer spending, further stimulating demand and, consequently, higher employment. Income would be taxed to help defray the cost of federally funded jobs.
CHAPTER THEMES Roosevelt’s New Deal tackled the Great Depression with massive federal programs designed to bring about relief, recovery, and reform.
The Most Dangerous Man in America In groups of 2
Drought in late 1933 in trans-Mississippi Great Plains Topsoil blown from Eastern Colorado to western Missouri High grain prices enticed farmers to bring more land under cultivation-mechanization helped, too-How? Many moved to Southern California Grapes of Wrath (1939)-John Steinbeck Federal Government responded with: 3 year foreclosure grace period resettling farmless farmers trees and windbreakers
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 establish local self-government preserve native crafts/traditions 77 tribes refused to organize under the law 200 other tribes did establish tribal govt.
Democrats-FDR Republicans-Alfred M. Landon, Kansas Gov condemned New Deal-deficits, radicalism, experimentation, confusion, and waste 27,752,869 to 16,674, Electoral Count (VT and ME went to the R’s) 2/3 of the House and Senate seats went to the D’s FDR received money from CIO, left wingers voted for FDR and African-Americans completely left Republican Party 1937-Court-packing scheme FDR’s own party said NO eventually he appointed 9 justices No New Deal legislation passed after 1937
FDR’s 1 st term unemployment 25% to 15% 1937-a recession within the Depression Social Security taxes reduction in government spending FDR fully embraced Keynesianism planned deficit spending Hatch Act-barred federal administrative officials from campaigning/soliciting
Increased national debt Workers once went west now they went on relief Court-packing Lost senatorial elections in 1938 New Deal does not lift the U.S. from the Depression FDR saves capitalism, not capitalists? FDR-Hamilton or Jefferson or both?
1. We will continue on the 1930s decade chart. 2. Distribute graded work
Read Chapter 34 Prepare for 5 question reading check on Wednesday Decades Chart 1930’s due on Thursday.