Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Adapted by: Marla Dewey Muscogee County School District Jessie Moreau Gwinnett County Public Schools, 2006/07
Captain Walton journeys to the North Pole.
Captain Walton discovers Dr. Victor Frankenstein trapped in the ice Captain Walton discovers Dr. Victor Frankenstein trapped in the ice. The Captain brings Victor aboard the ship.
Dr. Frankenstein tells the Captain the story of his creature.
Chapter 1
Victor Frankenstein is born in Italy to a wealthy family.
his parents adopt a girl named Elizabeth. When he is 5 years old, his parents adopt a girl named Elizabeth. She has fair skin and golden hair. Victor and Elizabeth are best friends.
They grow up in Switzerland at the foot of the Alps. They are good friends with a boy named Henry.
At 17 years old, Victor goes to the University. He studies the human body and hopes to create life.
Victor visits graveyards to get spare body parts.
Chapter 2
Dr. Victor Frankenstein puts the body parts together. He ZAPS his creation with ELECTRICITY to bring him to life.
The monster is so ugly -- His skin is yellow His lips are black His teeth are white His eyes are red
Victor becomes sick with disgust and runs away.
He is so sick that his friend, Henry, takes care of Victor for several months.
Victor receives a sad letter from home. His brother William has been killed.
When Dr. Frankenstein goes home, he sees the creature in the woods. He knows that the monster has killed his brother.
Justine, the maid, is found with William’s locket Justine, the maid, is found with William’s locket. Even though she did not murder him, the maid confesses. Justine is found guilty and is put to death.
Victor hates the monster for killing his brother and wants revenge. He travels to France
Victor climbs to the top of Mt. Montavert to talk to God. monster surprises Victor there. monster then tells his side of the story.
Chapter 3 The Monster’s Story
I am good and full of love. Only suffering makes me do bad things.
Everyone was horrified After I was born, I was hungry, thirsty, and in pain. Everyone was horrified when they saw me.
I found a cabin where I could hide and watch the family who lived there: an old man, and a young man, and a young woman.
The family was very poor. They were kind. I liked to help them.
I learned by watching and listening to them. I was happy when I learned how to speak. Then I could tell them how good I really was.
I read a book and found out how I was created. I was very angry at my creator, Dr. Frankenstein, because he made me so ugly.
I finally decided to talk to the family in the cabin. They got scared and attacked me. I hate myself. I hate all men.
He said his father, Dr. Frankenstein, I went to Switzerland. I saw a young boy and wanted to be his friend. He was scared of me, too. He said his father, Dr. Frankenstein, would punish me.
I took his locket and hid it I was so mad I strangled the boy. I took his locket and hid it with the sleeping girl in the barn.
Then I wouldn’t do these Doctor, if only I had a friend, I would be happy. Then I wouldn’t do these awful things!
Chapter 4
Dr. Frankenstein says he will make a bride for the monster.
Victor Frankenstein goes to England with Henry to study. Victor works on the bride but is very nervous about it.
The doctor decides he doesn’t want the monster and his bride to have children. Dr. Frankenstein destroys his bride creation before it is done.
The monster sees his bride destroyed and vows revenge.
Victor is sick with grief. The monster has killed his friend. Victor goes to Ireland to see Henry. The doctor finds out Henry has been murdered.
When the doctor gets better, he goes home to Switzerland. Victor then marries Elizabeth.
Victor and Elizabeth honeymoon in Italy.
Victor fears that the monster has followed them. There is a bad storm. Elizabeth goes to bed. Victor fears that the monster has followed them. He leaves the house, searching for the monster.
The monster strangles Elizabeth. Elizabeth dies. Dr. Frankenstein is heartbroken. He goes to an insane asylum.
This time, when the doctor gets better, he vows to find the monster and kill him. Victor chases the monster to the North Pole.
Dr. Frankenstein meets Captain Walton on the ship. and tells him the whole story. Then Victor dies.
the monster climbs onto The Captain meets the monster when the monster climbs onto the ship. The Captain hates the monster for the awful things the monster has done.
But the monster hates himself even more. The monster runs away into the darkness to hide forever.
The End