Today's topics 1)Introductory Information 2)New Evaluation Format and Curriculum 3)Textbooks and Liability forms 4)First Day Information Page 5)Grade 9 Review Page #1
Today's Starter Quote “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
Introductory Information Course My Course requirements: successful completion of elementary school Highlights: Lab scheduled about once every 2 weeks, usually Wednesdays Each lab you'll have a new lab partner of your choosing There is a possibility that we'll have a TA for the course
New Evaluation Format and Curriculum Unit 1:Biology : Sustainable Ecosystems Unit 2: Chemistry: Atoms, Elements and Compounds Unit 3: Physics: The Characteristics of Electricity Unit 4: Earth and Space Science: The Study of the Universe Assessment:Please note the importance of timelines 1 Day Return Policy Focus on skills and big ideas rather than specific information
Textbook Liability Forms and tonight's homework Textbooks will be assigned to everyone as necessary Replacement cost is 80$ Textbook references appear on the webpage for several reasons: Absences (either illness, appointments or sports) Inclimate weather (check out the
First Day Information Page Please take your time to complete this fully Parents' s are greatly appreciated Be honest about all the information Please choose a codename that you'll remember easily when marks are updated 3 weeks from now (you may even wish to record this in your agenda) Please see the grade 9 review lesson and complete it to the best of your ability in the remainder of this class.
Class Participation This is a major component of your character development. I appreciate the following (as do your classmates): positive comments questions concerns Answers (with your reasoning – which is actually more important) It is important to avoid: Cell phones and other distractions Lateness, particularly habitual lateness Inappropriate conduct towards others ('hunting', 'bashing', 'insecurities') NOTE: I'm interested that you not only learn, but also that you enjoy the process of learning.