What topic are you interested in learning more about? How much do you already know about this topic? Signature
Game Designer Design a game about your TOI or create a review game for the class to play! Your game must include at least 20 Q & A’s, rules and game board. Digital DVD size Paper bag size Fact or Fiction Produce a TV show about a person or event. Prepare a fictional version of what happened as well as a factual version, let the class decide which is correct! PowerPoint Photo story iMovie Uncover and share what you have learned about a fascinating person or event Pop-up Facebooklet Spin & Speak Swipe Movie Study a topic that inspires you and use it to create your own masterpiece Puppet Show Artistic collection (poetry, song, painting Tagxedo Free choice! Recommend an idea to the teacher! Comic Creator Create a comic book that includes facts and information about your topic! Digital File folder You be the Author Publish a book about your topic for others to enjoy. Interactive math Non-fiction Birdie Tales The Tale of Two Sides Use your new knowledge to explore a topic from two different sides. Construct a debatable or Voki that will allow you to argue the issue from both sides. Breaking News Publish a newspaper about your topic. Include pictures, facts, interviews and interesting articles. Digital Paper bag
Name: _____________________________ Date of Contract: _____________ Due Date/Timeline: ______________________ Topic or Question to be Answered: ________________________________________________________________________ Materials/Resources/Help Needed: ________________________ Product to Demonstrate Understanding and Application: _______________________________________________________ Grouping: ________________________ Assessment Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Evaluated by: ________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ Student Signature Teacher Signature ____________________________________ Parent(s) Signature
Date: Goal: Yes or No? Why? Date: Goal: Yes or No? Why? Date: Goal: Yes or No? Why? Date: Goal: Yes or No? Why? Date: Goal: Yes or No? Why? Date: Goal: Yes or No? Why?