Looking into the Past: Enhancing Mobile Publish/Subscribe Middleware Exponent: Pablo E. Guerrero Thesis Supervisor: Mariano A. Cilia Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Tandil, Argentina, October, 2004
2 Agenda Motivation Problem Statement Proposed Approach Design & Implementation Experimental Results Conclusions
3 Motivation Convergence of Technologies Usage of Large-Scale Distributed Systems Mobile Devices & Wireless Technologies Client/Server (Request/Reply) Predominance New Paradigm for Information-Driven Applications WWW, Sensor Networks, Enterprise Strategies Pull-based (Request/Reply) Does Not Fit Polling implies resource waste Leads to Network Saturation or Server Breakdown! Not Suitable for Mobile Devices Push-based Event-based Dissemination Initiator of Interaction ConsumerProducer Knowledge about Counterpart Full Request/ Reply One-to-One Messaging No Anonymous Request/Reply Event-Based Dissemination
4 Motivation (II) Publish/Subscribe Middleware provides Asynchronous communication Loose coupling Producers don’t know who is subscribed Clients can “dynamically” join and leave Doesn’t require publishers and subscribers at the same time Reflects intrinsic behavior of Information- driven Application Support for roaming clients Notion of Location Location Transparency Pub/Sub needs an Intermediator
5 Publish/Subscribe Systems Structure Independent Process Data Flow Style Message Manager or Notification Service Clients (producers/consumers/both) Communication links Service Semantics Implementation Decentralized brokers Connected graph Client’s proxies
6 Problem Statement Problem Applications Startup Initial Bootstrapping Sequence phase Getting a Consistent State Request/Reply (combination) Observation phase (pure Pub/Sub) Cannot assume how long will it take Meaningful Event :anEventBasedApp:aNotificationService
7 Problem Statement (II) Problem Aggravated in Mobile Environments Disconnections Context Changes (new location) Pervasive environment’s dynamic behavior A new bootstrapping phase must be initiated! System responsiveness degraded
8 Proposed Approach Goal: Reduce bootstrapping latency Use already published (past) notifications Extend an existing pub/sub system, R EBECA Store notifications in its Infrastructure Caches Distributed in the Network Minimize underlying system changes Meaningful Event :aNotificationService:anEventBasedApp
9 The R EBECA Notification Service
10 R EBECA Brokers Network
11 R EBECA Routing Algorithms Flooding Filter Forwarding Simple Routing Identity-based Routing Covering-based Routing Merging-based Routing Routing with Advertisements
12 Proposed Approach Approach Analysis Caching Requirements Caching in Event-Based Systems Notifications Storage Cache Querying Strategies Guidelines
13 Proposed Approach Analysis Store Notifications in Distributed Caches Extending External Behavior Past Bound Interface Extension
14 Proposed Approach Analysis (II) Extend Internal Behavior Extend System Behavior Support for Different Strategies
15 Caching Strategies Requirements Response Time Time Overhead Space Usage Integrability Correctness Transparence Dynamism Separation of Concerns Specification of the Requirements from the Infrastructure
16 Caching in Event-Based Systems Caching applied in a different fashion than traditional systems Main differences: Cache Coherency and Consistency Cache Sizes Information Lifetime Caching vs. Buffering
17 Notifications Storage When? Locality Principle not Applicable! Distributed decision based on: Subscriptions and Unsubscriptions Advertisements and Unadvertisements Notifications How? Behaving as FIFO queues Circular Ring Buffer
18 Notifications Storage (II) Parallel Circular Ring Buffers Take advantage of Content-based NS Filter Identity, Covering and Merging
19 Notifications Storage (III) A Combination, which avoids Replicating Notifications allows Ordering Notifications
20 Cache Querying NS is an Undirected Acyclic Graph How deep to search? (i.e. How many levels k?) Link traversals involve costs similar to RPC’s: De / Serialization, Un / Marshalling RPC Runtime Costs, Physical Network Transfer RPC requires ~ machine instructions LPC 100 times faster than RPC Strategies Classification: k = 1 Restricted to Local Event Brokers 1 < k m Restricted to maximum depth ‘m’ k = Allowed to perform exhaustive search
21 Cache Querying: LocalBrokerCaching
22 Cache Querying: BorderBrokerCaching
23 Cache Querying: MergingCaching
24 Cache Querying Caching w/More Complex Routing Algorithms Routing Algorithms selects which neighbors to forward a subscription Solution: Force Forwarding an explicit Fetch message Caching w/Advertisements Avoid asking every peer by using advertisements information Considering the Time Dimension Border Brokers’ clocks synchronization Attach a Timestamp to notifications
25 Cache Querying Guidelines
26 Design & Implementation OOP Aproaches Class Inheritance Decorator Design Pattern
27 AOP Architectural Approach Usage of AOP tools
28 AOP Architectural Approach (II) Method Interceptions Advices Inter-Type Declarations Aspects pointcut initRoutingEngine(): initialization(RoutingEngine.new()); pointcut subscription(): withincode(void LocalEventBroker.subscribe(..)) && call(void RoutingEngine.addSubscription(..)); before (RoutingEngine routingEngine, Subscription sub, Subscription sub, EventProcessor processor): EventProcessor processor): subscription(routingEngine, sub, processor) subscription(routingEngine, sub, processor){ if (sub.isBounded()) if (sub.isBounded()) routingEngine.getCachingStrategy().beforeSubscribe(sub, processor); routingEngine.getCachingStrategy().beforeSubscribe(sub, processor);} public void EventBroker.subscribe(Subscription sub, EventProcessor source, EventProcessor source, PastBound bound); PastBound bound); private PastBound Subscription.bound;
29 AOP Architectural Approach (III) Caching Class Hierarchy
30 Experimental Results Provide details on Caching Behavior Evaluations Setup Hierarchical Network Consumers issue Random Subscriptions Producers publish Notifications of Random Types Caching Efficacy Metric Measures Best-Effort
31 LocalBrokerCaching Evaluation
32 BorderBrokerCaching Evaluation
33 MergingCaching Evaluation
34 Caching Strategies Comparison
35 Conclusions Notification Service was Extended Reduced Bootstrap Latency Used a pure pub/sub Approach Minimal Changes on the pub/sub Subscription Interface Incorporated Distributed Caching Efficient, Content-based Notification Storage Several Strategies Analyzed & Implemented Aspect-Orientation Achieved good modularity for a crosscutting concern Allowed a plug-and-play functionality Evaluation Measured & Compared Caching Efficacy Gave Insights of Caching Behavior
36 Notification Service Future Work Caching Functionality Integration On-line Integration through Dynamic AOP Experiment with other Notification Services Extend Evaluations Develop Analytical Response Time Models Perform Large Scale Simulations Consider Other Enhancements Priorization and Interactions with other Aspects of the Notification Service