#LJWG2015 HEPATITIS C IN PEOPLE WHO USE DRUGS Improving Care for Hepatitis C: A Framework Approach LONDON 2015
#LJWG2015 Practical implications of the Drug and Alcohol system Alison Keating Head, Alcohol and Drugs Team London Public Health England
3Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Actions for substance misuse agencies Increase awareness Increase testing and monitoring Develop partnerships
4Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Increase Awareness Staff Service Users
5 Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Increase testing and monitoring rates: overall The range of clients in Q1 – 15/16 in London with no record of Hepatitis C test All clients in treatment New presentations in treatment
Time since latest Hepatitis C test for all open clients Individual is an injector (injecting status of ‘currently’ or ‘previously’ or route of primary substance is ‘inject’), all open clients. Data source: NDTMS 6Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Partnership 6 months or less 7-11 months 1yr-1yr- 11 mths 2 yrs - 4yrs 11mths 5yrs - 9yrs- 11mths 10+ years Increase testing and monitoring rates: additional fields
Hepatitis C Positive Episodes when the individual is an injector (injecting status of 'currently' or 'previously' or route of primary substance of 'inject') & the Hep C Status is 'Offered & Accepted (All active clients since 1 st Jan 2012, data source: NDTMS) 7Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Partnership Adult - Yes Adult - No Adult - Not known Adult - Blank Increase testing and monitoring rates: additional fields
Referred to Hepatology Episodes when the individual is an injector (injecting status of ‘currently’ or ‘previously’ or route of primary substance of ‘inject’) & the Hep C status is ‘offered and accepted’, all active clients since Jan Data source: NDTMS PartnershipYesNoBlank 8Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Increase testing and monitoring rates: additional fields
9Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Develop partnerships: strategic and operational ODN Agencies GPs Pharmacies Patient/service users
10Hepatitis C in PWIDs London 2015: Improving Care for Hepatitis C, a Framework Approach Develop partnerships: patient participation Increase awareness and confidence Demonstrate demand Provide support