Data Migration Training Page 1 KE EMu Data Migration
Data Migration Training Page 2 Course Objectives Discuss the objectives of the data migration process Outline the components of the data migration process Outline the skills required in order to review the data migration process Run a sample mapping workshop Outline the post migration tasks During this course we will:
Data Migration Training Page 3 Unit Two Objectives The objectives of the data migration process What is data migration What data migration is not The steps in the data migration process Export legacy data Develop mapping rules Develop a migration script Load the legacy data into KE EMu Review of initial load Revise load script Load final data At the end of this unit you will understand:
Data Migration Training Page 4 Unit Three Objectives Understand the Catalog module and how it relates to the Catalog support and Collection Management modules Understand the key elements of KE EMu Modular system Multiple discipline and object type catalog Tab switching Multimedia repository Registry At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Data Migration Training Page 5 What is the Catalog module? A Catalog record includes basic object information such as: Accession number Object title Number of items or parts Brief physical description The Catalog module is the starting point for recording information about all objects owned by or in the care of an institution.
Data Migration Training Page 6 What are the Catalog support modules? The following diagram displays how the Catalog links to the Catalog support modules for Cultural History institutions.
Data Migration Training Page 7 What is the Catalog support modules? The following diagram displays how the Catalog links to the Catalog support modules for Natural History institutions.
Data Migration Training Page 8 What is the collection management modules? The following diagram displays how the collection management modules link to the Catalog and to each other.
Data Migration Training Page 9 What is a hierarchical multi-discipline catalog ? KE EMu can support multiple disciplines within one Catalog.
Data Migration Training Page 10 Unit Four Objectives Log into KE Emu Use the Command Center Open and view multiple modules Use and navigate around a form window Identify the screen modes Quickly find a field in a form At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Data Migration Training Page 11 Login 1. Enter the Host name of the KE EMu server 2. Enter your User name and password 3. Enter service name, e.g. EMu (live system) EMutrain (training system To log onto KE EMu:
Data Migration Training Page 12 Command Centre Lists the KE Emu modules that you can access Enables you to access KE Emu Help Enables you to exit KE Emu. Note: Examples in this course are taken from the Parties and Multimedia modules
Data Migration Training Page 13 Form Window Menus Tool Button Toolbar Form Window Status BarData View Tabs Title Bar Summary Data
Data Migration Training Page 14 Navigation Use the Tab key to move the cursor forward one field, from the first field through to the last on the screen Use the Shift+Tab key to move the cursor back one field at a time Select a field by pointing and clicking with the mouse Click on a Data View Tab at the bottom of the Form window to view a different page of the form. To move around a form window:
Data Migration Training Page 15 What are the screen modes? There are four screen modes: Query – allows you to run a search Display – displays results of a search Edit – allows you to edit records Insert – allows you to add new records The current screen mode is displayed in the left-hand corner of the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Data Migration Training Page 16 Interface Options The following options apply system wide: Command Center display Language settings Multimedia Spell checking Editing Module caching on start-up Colors Some interface options may be set for individual modules. For example, the Show List views can be customized per module.
Data Migration Training Page 17 Unit Five Objectives Use a lookup list Perform a simple search Understand the advanced search features Understand the display options and create your own customized List view At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Data Migration Training Page 18 Lookup Lists You can select a value for a field when running a search or adding a record Using a Lookup List saves typing, ensures correct spelling and helps you to select the right terminology when running a search, e.g.Sales assistant not Salesman Each Lookup List is assigned a permission status, which governs whether or not you can add values to the list and whether you will be prompted when you do so A Lookup List shows a list of the values in a field.
Data Migration Training Page 19 Basic Searching How to run a simple search How to browse the matching results set How to run a multiple term search In this section we will learn:
Data Migration Training Page 20 Display Options List view displays only a few fields. You can create your own List view and specify which fields you want to view Contact Sheet view displays thumbnails of available images Details view displays all the available fields KE Emu can display results in different views:
Data Migration Training Page 21 Advanced Queries Boolean operators and, e.g. bookkeeping [and] sales or, e.g. bookkeeping [or] sales not, e.g. [not] !Bookkeeping Text retrieval phrase retrieval, e.g. “Managing Director” Stemming, e.g ~work finds works, working, worked phonetic retrieval, finds smith, smithe, smythe Pattern matching searches for patterns, e.g. h?t finds hot, hit, hat. wildcard characters, e.g. ju* finds jump, justice, jupiter Range queries search for values within given ranges, e.g. >1956 <1972
Data Migration Training Page 22 Unit Six Objectives Add a new record into KE Emu Save a new record Understand record validation Edit an existing record Use the ditto (copy) function Attach a record to a record in another module At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Data Migration Training Page 23 Adding a Record Click New to place the window in Insert mode Internal Record Number (IRN) is automatically assigned and displays in the top right-hand corner of the new record Enter the data for the new person, institution or venue. Be sure to visit every tab and enter a value into every field for which data is known Click Save The record must pass validation before it is added to the database
Data Migration Training Page 24 Unit Seven Objectives Sort records Save your own sort criteria Edit a saved search Group records Save a results set Save your own search criteria Delete and discard a record Generate a report At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Data Migration Training Page 25 Sorting Records Multiple criteria may be used such as sorting, e.g. first by Organisation, then Department, and so on You can sort in both ascending or descending order Search the database before sorting records Save your own sort criteria to be used with other result sets Assign permission to other users to use your saved sort criteria Each module can be sorted on any field within that module:
Data Migration Training Page 26 What is a Group? A set of records that resulted from a previous search. The IRNs of these records are grouped together and the group can be opened and viewed even after the current session is over. You can add further records to this type of group. OR The saved criteria of a search. This allows you to re-run the search again. The results set may differ each time you re-run the search as the data may have changed. A group may be: When you first create a group, only you have access to it. However, if required, you can give other users permission to open and view your saved groups.
Data Migration Training Page 27 Deleting and Discarding Records When a record is deleted, you remove the record permanently from the module’s database When a record is discarded, you remove it from the matching results. This record is not removed from the database. There is a big difference between deleting and discarding a record.
Data Migration Training Page 28 Reports All KE Emu modules have at least one pre- defined report appropriate to that module (e.g. the Parties module has a list, a summary and a worksheet report). Before generating a report, search and find relevant records to include in the report. The Crystal Reports viewer allows you to: Preview the report Select a printer and print the report Export the report in different formats, e.g. Excel, Word, HTML Save as a file the report to another user
Data Migration Training Page 29 Unit Eight Objectives View a multimedia resource in the Multimedia module View a multimedia resource that is attached to a record Add a multimedia record to the Multimedia module Attach a multimedia resource to another record: Using the Drag and Drop method Using the Add method Scan an image directly into the Multimedia module At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Data Migration Training Page 30 Multimedia Each resource in a module is a separate record in that database, i.e. a multimedia resource is a record in the Multimedia module. Multimedia resources can be attached to records in other modules. For example, you can attach a multimedia resource to a Parties record in the Parties module. Each multimedia record describes the multimedia resource, not the product or party to which it is attached.
Data Migration Training Page 31 Unit Nine Objectives At the end of this unit you will be able to: Use the spell check function Use the global replace function Define new substitution criteria Use wildcards
Data Migration Training Page 32 Unit Ten Objectives Perform a data entry exercise Outline your post migration tasks Describe how to use global replace for your post migration tasks Describe how to use the merge records function for your post migration tasks During this unit we will