International Center for Workshops in the Sciences Many thanks to: Ikrâm Çakir Mieke Schutte
QUantitative Estimation of Earth‘s Seismic Sources and Structure EU Initial Training Network in Computational Seismology Many thanks to: Heiner Igel
Infer the magnetic field V at the core-mantle boundary from observations of V at the surface. Expand V CMB into an orthonormal basis: Energy of the magnetic field: Prior knowledge is assumed identical for all parameters: = 0 k (zero expected value) = σ 2 k (variance σ 2 ) Why this workshop ? A geomagnetic excursion core-mantle boundary (CMB) surface of the Earth A A
Why this workshop ? A geomagnetic excursion Infer the magnetic field V at the core-mantle boundary from observations of V at the surface. 2 Choices: (1)non-zero a priori variances → expected a priori energy tends to infinity (2)expected a priori energy is finite → a priori variances tend to zero (perfect knowledge) Inconsistent prior knowledge. G. Backus, Bayesian inference in geomagnetism. Geophys. J., 92,
Why this workshop ? What this tells us: Uncertainty analysis is not just a question of computational resources! Tough conceptual problems remain to be solved. Communication between the disciplines is absolutely essential! Discover solutions to difficult problems Discover that solutions to apparently artificial problems are actually relevant Inconsistent vocabulary is a serious obstacle. Workshop that fosters communication between Earth sciences and applied math.
Why this workshop ? Inverse problems as commom denominator Inverse problem = data fitting + uncertainty analysis + … These are interesting times to study inverse problems Rapid increase of computational power New approaches to the solution of inverse problems & uncertainty analysis Visualisation tools to help us understand our inferences Topic: Uncertainty analysis in geophysical inverse problems.
This workshop is for you! Enjoy science away from your everyday obligations Take your time to discuss and brainstorm with your colleagues Explore outside your own discipline Get new ideas and inspiration Homogenise vocabulary
Monday Opening General inverse theory Tuesday Tomographic problems Wednesday Tomographic problems Data assimilation Boat trip Thursday Data assimilation Friday Special topics Summary lecture Programme
Monday Opening General inverse theory Tuesday Tomographic problems Wednesday Tomographic problems Data assimilation Boat trip Thursday Data assimilation Friday Special topics Summary lecture Programme Posters will be on display the whole week near the coffee room.
Monday Opening General inverse theoryA. Jackson Tuesday Tomographic problemsA. Lorenc Tomographic problemsA. Fournier Wednesday Tomographic problemsR. Potthast Data assimilationJ. Irving Boat trip Thursday Data assimilationT. Nissen-Meyer Data assimilationM. Holschneider Friday Special topicsM. Sambridge Summary lecture Convenors Introduce speakers Interupt speakers when the audience seems to get lost → Chosen outside their main research field
Have fun!